REQUIRED CLASSES English 8 US History 8 Science 8 Math 8 Personal Health P.E. Digital Literacy
Spanish Immersion Required English 8 US History 8 Science 8 Math 8 Personal Health P.E. Digital Literacy Spanish IV Honors Spanish Media and Culture (Optional – Strongly Recommended) .5 Credit
*What are Honors Classes? *How do I decide if I should take Honors? Honors History Honors Science Honors Math *What are Honors Classes? *How do I decide if I should take Honors?
.5 Credit Elective Classes JR Art I JR Art II (Prerequisite JR Art I) 3D Art I 3D Art II (Prerequisite 3D Art II) Theatre Design (Prerequisite Drama I or Art I) Drama I Drama II (Prerequisite Drama I) Beginning Guitar FACS (Cooking and Sewing) Basic Reading Advanced Reading Creative Writing Peer Tutor Gateway to Technology GA-EE (Green & Architecture / Energy & Environment) Gateway to Technology AR-ME (Automation & Robotics / Magic of Electrons)
1.0 Credit Elective Classes Spanish I Spanish II (Prerequisite Spanish I) German I German II (Prerequisite German I) Beginning Band Advanced Band (Prerequisite Beginning Band) Percussion / Beginning Percussion Ensemble (Prerequisite Beginning Percussion) Orchestra / Beginning Orchestra / Advanced (Prerequisite Beginning Orchestra) Concert Choir Chamber Choir (By Audition) Encore Girls’ Choir (By Audition) Yearbook (Application)
Alternate Classes You must choose 3 Alternate Classes Write in Course Name and # 32110 Drama .5 43360 FACS .5 32138 Concert Choir 1.0
REGISTRATION DUE DATE: Marks, Jackson: January 28th Please use a PENCIL when filling out your registration form! Please put LAST NAME, FIRST NAME on your form! Please include a parent’s phone # and email address! REGISTRATION DUE DATE: Marks, Jackson: January 28th Wood, Lloyd: January 29th
Looking for more information? Go to www.orion.wsd.net Click on departments Click on counseling Choose 8th grade registration