Presenter: Adrian Scrase ETSI Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Document No: GSC17-PLEN-10 Source: ETSI Contact: Adrian Scrase Source: Søren Hess, Chairman ETSI TC ITS GSC Session: PLEN Agenda Item: 6.5 ITS activities in ETSI Presenter: Adrian Scrase ETSI Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
Major Achievements - ETSI TC ITS EC Mandate M/453 requesting minimum set of standards for interoperability – finalized Cooperative awareness service (CAM) standard ENAP DENM standard approved for ENAP Network and transport standards – GeoNetworking developed as EN’s - end 2013 Access network standard – 802.11 profile – voting Security standards published Release 1 approved by ETSI TC ITS for publication The standards for Release 1 approved by ETSI TC ITS and currently within ENAP Standards are coordinated globally with SAE – IEEE 802.11 and 1609 © ETSI 2011. All rights reserved
Standards finalized Mandate M/453 Application and Facility CAM/DENM V2V Safety Data dictionary Position and time Local Dynamic Maps Network – transport GeoNetworking Requirements Scenarios Architecture Media independent Media dependent 5.9 GHz Basic Transport protocol IPv6 Access Media ITS G5 IEEE 802.11 profile PHY/MAC congestion control Mitigation 5.8/5.9 GHz Channel configuration Management Communication Architecture Identity Management Cross layer congestion management Service Announcement Security Security Architecture TVRA IEEE 1609.2 mapping Confidential access control Security header Certificate format Communication architecture and standard areas for C-ITS – green color indicating standards finalized. The important CAM and DENM standards approved for ENAP Local Dynamic Maps close to finalized in close cooperation with CEN/ISO Network and transport subject to transition from TS to EN’s Access network standard for national voting Cross layer congestion control (DCC) still pending STF results All security standards finalized and published as TS.
ITS standards towards deployment 2012 Standards finalized for approval – European Norms Quality check and conformance test 2013 Interoperability tests ETSI CTI Validation at Large scale FOTs Release 1 published – Standards Freeze Final C-ITS profile and system description by stakeholders Standardization process in Europe Underline the conformance and interoperability tests – as well as validation at large scale FOTs Stakeholders including OEMs and Infrastructure are currently profiling standards towards a day one system description for deployment
Standards for deployment For initial deployment with non complex systems Standards for more Complex systems Standards maintenance New access technology Customer benefit and competitiveness 3rd release 2nd release 1st Release approved First release of ETSI ITS standards approved by ETSI TC ITS for initial deployment of ITS in Europe together with OEMs and infrastructure stakeholders. Research Standards FOTs
ITS Stakeholders OEMs Global suppliers Road authorities Road operators ASECAP – CEDR - POLIS C2C-CC Europe CAMP/VIIC USA OEMs Japan Infra structure Suppliers Standards Operators Regulators OEMs Global suppliers Participating in Standardisation European Commission Connect – MOVE - ENTR ITS Directive US DOT – NHTSA MLIT Major stakeholders for standardization towards deployment Strong cooperation between global stakeholders and standards organisations ETSI TC ITS has representatives from all stakeholders in the standardisation process ETSI TC ITS CEN TC 278 ISO TC 204 / ITU-T IEEE/SAE National standards –ANSI-ARIB Public operators and service providers
ITS spectrum issues FCC NPRM on extended spectrum for U-NII within the band 5855-5925 MHz Compatibility with safety related services for ITS questionable – even by NTIA Ongoing discussions between stakeholders and regulators Different 5.9 GHz spectrum regulation within EU-US and other regions. Critical compatibility issue with spectrum requirement for WIFI in the safety related 5.9 GHz bands.