Securely connecting users and applications from anywhere to anywhere in todays global economy MY-ARRAY DesktopDirect Bring Your Own Device Secure Remote Desktop Access for BYOD
Tablets are hitting the enterprise in force iPad: 35M in M+ in 2012 Android: 20M in M+ in 2012 Source: DroidMatters & Digitimes People bring them to work because they are… Productivity-enhancing Portable Trendy Consumerization of IT Unstoppable influx of personal and unmanaged devices IT must act… The BYOD Revolution
BYOD Moves to the Forefront Present Past
What Do We Want From BYOD? Enable employees to use personal devices to conduct business Enable IT to address mobility in a manner that is secure and cost-effective
BYOD Challenges
Common Approaches to BYOD Native enterprise apps… - or - published apps and desktops? BYOD Native Enterprise Apps Apps purpose-built for mobile devices and download by users from an enterprise app store Devices and apps are managed and secured using VPN, MDM and other solutions Published Apps & Desktops Traditional enterprise apps run in a centralized and/or virtual computing enviroment Apps and data remain safe in the data center and are accessed over the network from mobile devices
Native Enterprise Applications Developing or purchasing native apps is just the tip of the iceberg… User Training Productivity Vs. Security App Servers VPNs Enterprise App Stores Mobile Device Management Security
Limitations of Native Enterprise Apps
Published Apps & Desktops Citrix supports personal mobile devices including tablets, smart phones, laptops and PCs Citrix supports most all apps and prevents data leakage However… Citrix is rarely supported for every user and every application… And theres a reason.
Limitations of Citrix Approach
A Smarter, More Scalable Approach to BYOD Virtual Desktops & Terminal Services Physical Desktops Office Securely connect to office desktops from any device, anywhere. Desktop Delivery Remote Tablets Smart Phones PCs Laptops
Enterprise-class, appliance-based remote desktop for BYOD thats simple, scalable and secure Office Desktop Windows Desktop Remote Any Platform (iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac) DesktopDirect Demonstration
The DesktopDirect Advantage
BYOD Case Study: Needham Bank Customer-owned community bank 5 locations Over $1B in assets 48X increase in mobile devices since 2007 Needed to quickly and cost-effectively provide access to range of bank applications from tablets without the risk of data leakage Selected DesktopDirect with advanced client package DesktopDirect impact on iPad access 11X unique users 120X total hours spent 10X time per user No security issues, no additional IT staff required
BYOD Case Study: Buckingham Research Group Institutional research and brokerage firm Founded in 1982, based in New York Why the need for BYOD? Employees bringing personal iPads to the office and wanted access to corporate applications Field employees wanted to use iPads instead of laptops DesktopDirect impact on BYOD strategy No user learning curve, no new passwords $30K HW install vs. $300K SW upgrade 3 week installation vs. 8 month project One HA pair and one DR unit, thats it!
BYOD Case Study: Central Ohio Primary Care Ohios largest physician-owned cooperative Over 50 physician offices and over 200 physicians Healthcare mobility requirements BYOD strategy that provides physicians with flexibility while also addressing IT requirements for security, manageability and cost Benefits for physicians and IT Renew prescriptions anytime, anywhere and move seamlessly between exam rooms using iPads Reduces cost and complexity while improving productivity and compliance
Appliance-Based Remote Desktop Access
Scalable Appliance Options SPX1800 Up to 100 Concurrent Users SPX2800 Up to 1,200 Concurrent Users SPX4800 Up to 6,000 Concurrent Users SPX5800 Up to 12,000 Concurrent Users
Security 128-bit/256-bit key exchange and 1024/2048-bit encryption Integration with AD, LDAP and RADIUS and two-factor authentication including RSA SecurID, Vasco, Swivel and SSL certificates Redirection control, enable-disable clipboard and printing Device-based identification, register and enable-disable devices per user Array Registration Technology (ART) Physical or virtual desktops may be registered by the administrator manually or via a database or by end-users for scalability and simplified deployment Power Management Wake-on-LAN (WoL) technology allows users to remotely power up desktops Mobile-Device Gesture Suite Comprehensive suite of iOS and Android gesture controls for manipulating Windows applications within mobile environments Advanced BYOD Feature Set
DesktopDirect BYOD Summary
Securely connecting users and applications from anywhere to anywhere in todays global economy MY-ARRAY DesktopDirect Bring Your Own Device Secure Remote Desktop Access for BYOD