Goods and services WebQuest First Grade Economics SS1E1 The student will identify goods that people make and services that people provide for each other.
Directions When you see the icon, click on the picture. When you see the icon, answer the question on your webquest form.
On your WebQuest form, list 3 of your favorite things. Goods and services On your WebQuest form, list 3 of your favorite things. 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________
goods and services Answer questions 1 and 2 on your form Read about goods and services Answer questions 1 and 2 on your form
goods and services Take a quiz Goods and services sort If the sort doesn’t show, click the refresh button
goods and services Watch a video Refer back to your favorites…are they goods or services?
Goods and services Watch a video Username: mattiewells Password: 2010
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