Project PLATO Serbia Action plan SME group RCC Pozarevac Serbian Chamber of Commerce May 08, 2010
Plato Serbia - Mentor project 20 SME 20 SME 20 SME
Action plan "PLATO SERBIA“ RCC Pozarevac 1st monthly session Date November 27, 2009 Time 13:30 - 16:30 Place Bambi-Banat, Pozarevac Topic of the meeting Time management & team work Expert name Mentors : Svetlana Golubovic and Danka Nikolic Responsible Regional coordinators and Mentors Conclusion The mentors, Ms Svetlana Golubović and Ms Danka Nikolić, presented the theme. Each of the SMEs representatives was given the hard copy of the presentation, as well. In the course of the presentation, the participants were given the exercise and test: “Testing and Team Spirit Measurement”. The second part of the presentation, “Time Management” was also given in hard copy to the participants. The session started at 13:30 p.m., and ended at 16:30 p.m. There were 22 SME representatives present. It was suggested to all participants that they make a summary from given material and forward it to their employees, or make a short presentation. Evaluation The average assessment per all criteria is 4,37 ( marks from 1-5 )
Action plan "PLATO SERBIA" RCC Pozarevac 2nd monthly session Date December 24, 2009 Time 14:00 - 17:00 Place U.S.Steel Serbia, Smederevo Topic of the meeting HR - Motivation Expert name Mr Aleksandar Pavlovic and Dusan Pejovic from U.S.Steel Serbia and national coordinator Aleksandar Nikolic Responsible Regional coordinators and Mentors Conclusion It was presented by Mr Aleksandar Pavlovic from U.S.Steel Serbia and Mr Aleksandar Nikolic, national coordinator, with active participation of the mentors. Each of the SMEs representatives got the presentations that was held. There were 19 SMEs representatives present. The session started at 14 p.m. and lasted until 17,00 p.m. The discussion and interaction was better than on the first session. There were some concrete suggestions about how to increase motivation of the employees, e.g.: Implementation of a survey about motivation with the aim to boost it, possibility of advance and permanent education as motivational factor of employees. Evaluation The average assessment per all criteria is 4,25 ( marks from 1 - 5 )
Action plan "PLATO SERBIA" RCC Pozarevac 3rd monthly session Date January 28, 2010 Time 14:00 - 17:00 Place Conference hall of hotel " Dunav " in Pozarevac Topic of the meeting Marketing and market research Expert name Ms Vera Veljanovski - senior advisor from Serbian Chamber of Commerce and national coordinator Aleksandar Nikolic Responsible Regional coordinators and Mentors Conclusion There were 21 SMEs representatives present. The theme was presented by Ms Vera Veljanovski, senior advisor from Serbian Chamber of Commerce and national coordinator Aleksandar Nikolic. Each of the SMEs representatives got the presentation. The session started at 14 p.m. and ended at 17 p.m. The average session assessment was 4, 28. On the session were presented marketing with special emphasis on market research, satisfaction the needs of consumers, the importance of attracting, retaining and nurturing relationships with clients, SWOT analysis, marketing mix with numerous concrete examples in practice and suggestions for improving operations. Some of the interesting questions were: How to maintain clients, What is your strength, weakness, opportunities and threats on the market, How to place a scientific services on the market, Name your sale channels. Evaluation The average assessment per all criteria is 4,28 ( marks from 1 - 5 )
Action plan "PLATO SERBIA" RCC Pozarevac 4th monthly session Date February 23, 2010 Time 14:00 - 17:00 Place The Plenary Session Hall of the town of Smederevo Topic of the meeting Management system Expert name Professor of strategic management at the Faculty of Economy in Novi Sad and Subotica, Mr Radmilo Todosijevic Responsible Regional coordinators and Mentors Conclusion The session was attended by the representatives of 21 enterprise.This topic was presented by Prof. Dr Radmilo Todosijević – the Professor at the Faculty of Economy in Subotica and Novi Sad, with active participation of the mentors. After the presentation participants were involved into discussion. The participants received the presentation, in electronic form. The response of the SMEs was great as on the previous sessions. The possibility of using the suggested solutions: Application of contemporary principles of management with the aim to resolve management problems, also to delegate authority, and to direct activities on achieving defined aims for managing a bussiness. There were some suggestions for the new topics: How to apply for IPA funds, and Personal and direct sale. The session started at 14 p.m. and ended at 17 p.m. . Evaluation The average assessment according to all criteria is 4,66 ( marks from 1 - 5 )
Action plan "PLATO SERBIA“ RCC Pozarevac 5th monthly session Date March 31, 2010 Time 14:00 - 17:00 Place Premises of the belgian company " Metech ", from Smederevo Topic of the meeting Establishing contacts with potential partners Expert name Mr Miodrag Kostic, director of consulting agency "Veza", from Belgrade Responsible Regional coordinators and Mentors Conclusion There were 16 representatives of SMEs present. The interaction and discussion were at the highest level so far. All representatives were involved into discussion and dynamics of the group was very satisfactory. Conclusion: When you want to present your company it's very important to have its presentation in E form, and website which is created by professionals. When you establish the first contact with a potential partner it's important to know on which position the interlocutor is. The aim is to gain a trustworthy relationship to agree on a future cooperation, and to maintain a good relationship. Also, the companies must use their membership in chambers, embassy and Serbian diaspora as a means when they want to establish contact with partners. Suggestions: Constant increase of communication level between the participants of the Plato team. Evaluation The average assessment according to all criteria is 4,83 (marks from 1 - 5 )
Action plan "PLATO SERBIA" RCC Pozarevac 6th monthly session Date April 27, 2010 Time 14:00 - 17:30 Place Premises of " Institute for vegetables" from Smederevska Palanka Topic of the meeting Investments management and financial planning Expert name Mr Radisa Rakic, director of consulting agency "Fimaks", from Belgrade Responsible Regional coordinators and Mentors Conclusion Before the session Mr Milan Zdravkovic, director, presented the Institute and gave a tour through it. The session was attended by the representatives of 16 enterprises. The discussion of the participants was very good. Everyone got the hard copy of the presentation. The participants agreed that the action plan which was established in Kovacica, had met their expectations. Due to the fact that on April 8th in SCC, the new action plan will be established, there were some suggestions for the future topics. Protection and safety at work, Certification and standardization, Renewable energy sources, Strategic management. The session started at 14 p.m. and ended at 17:30 p.m. Also it was stressed that the level of communication between the participants must be in constant increasing. The average session assessment according to all criteria is 4, 58. Evaluation The average assessment according to all criteria is 4,58 (marks from 1 - 5 )
Thank you for your attention ! Contact Wim Keygnaert Stefan Derluyn +32 9 266 1446 Aleksandar Nikolić +381 11 3300 989 Vera Veljanovski + 381 11 3304 523