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Nationalism Communism Cold War World Wars Other 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 You can change the category titles by clicking in the text box and typing. The slides follow the order of the cards. 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy
Nationalism 100 What is nationalism? How does it: -Unite countries? -Divide countries? Answer
Nationalism – Pride in your country Answer Nationalism 100 Nationalism – Pride in your country -Unites: smaller states with similar culture want to be together. -Divides: Large Empires with many cultures – each culture/ethnicity wants its own country.
Nationalism 200 ____________ (leader) helped unite the ______ states. He is famous for his _______ speech and realpolitik. Answer
Answer Nationalism 200 Otto Von Bismarck Blood and Iron
Category Nationalism 300 This region exploded inside the Ottoman Empire when Austrian Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated starting WWI. Answer
Answer Nationalism 300 Balkan Powder Keg
Nationalism 400 Kemal Attaturk kept this nation untied after the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. He also improve conditions for _________ (group of people). Answer
Answer Nationalism 400 Turkey Women
Nationalism 500 ______________ used ____________ to lead a national independence movement in India. ____________ led a nationalist movement against the Afrikaner’s ____________ laws in South America. Answer
Gandhi Civil Disobedience Nelson Mandela Apartheid Answer Nationalism 500 Gandhi Civil Disobedience Nelson Mandela Apartheid
Communism 100 _____________ ___________ wrote the __________ _________ saying the ___________ should overthrow the Bourgeoisie and share their possessions equally. Answer
Answer Communism 100 Karl Marx Communist Manifesto Proletariat
Communism 200 In Russia the Bolsheviks led by _______ ___________ promised ________, ________ and ________ when they overthrew the ___________. Answer
Vladimir Lenin Peace, Land and Bread Czar (Nicholas) Answer Communism 200 Vladimir Lenin Peace, Land and Bread Czar (Nicholas)
Communism 300 ____________ ____________ had a ________- year plan calling for Russia to build up industry and have farmers live on ____________, sharing the land, machinery, and animals. Answer
Answer Communism 300 Joseph Stalin 5-year plan Collectives
Communism 400 __________ brought Communism to China and his ________ ____ __________ (plan) also created collectives which he called __________. Answer
Answer Communism 400 Mao Zedong Great Leap Forward Communes
Communism 500 Stalin killed his enemies in the _________ _________, while Mao Zedong kill his enemies is the ___________ ______________ (using students called the _____ _________. Answer
Answer Communism 500 Great Purge Cultural Revolution Red Guard
Cold War 100 Name two ways Russia attempted to shut Berlin off from the rest of the world. Answer
Shut down roads (U.S. used Berlin Airlift) Answer Cold War 100 Shut down roads (U.S. used Berlin Airlift) Berlin Wall
What is a Proxy War? Give two examples from the Cold War Answer
Proxy War – when a enemies fight each other through other countries. Cold War 200 Proxy War – when a enemies fight each other through other countries. Korean War & Vietnam War – North Communist (USSR) vs. South Democracy (USA)
Cold War 300 During the ___________ (event) the USR and USA were close to nuclear war. The disagreement was over nuclear weapons Russia had put in __________ because of nuclear weapons the USA had put in ________. Answer
Answer Cold War 300 Cuban Missile Crisis Cuba Turkey
Define: -Iron Curtain -Truman Doctrine -Marshall Plan Cold War 400 Answer
Answer Cold War 400 Iron Curtain – imaginary boundary that separated Europe (Democracy) from USSR and Satellite states (Communist). Truman Doctrine – U.S. policy of containment (don’t let Communism spread) Marshall Plan – Giving European countries aide ($$) after WWII to rebuild so communism wouldn’t spread there.
Cold War 500 Mikhail ____________ tore down the Berlin Wall and reformed the USSR with his polices of _________ (free speech) and _________ (people could own businesses – UNLIKE IN THE OLD COMMAND ECONOMY). Answer
Answer Cold War 500 Gorbachev Glasnost Perestroika
How did the following cause World War I? World Wars100 How did the following cause World War I? -Nationalism -Alliances Answer
Nationalism – was dividing large Empires and causing revolts Answer World Wars100 Nationalism – was dividing large Empires and causing revolts Alliances – agreements between countries brought many countries into an otherwise small war.
World Wars 200 In WWI ________ warfare along the Eastern and Western ______ caused a __________. While in WWII Germany used _______ (lighting warfare) to conquer most of Europe quickly. Answer
Answer World Wars 200 Trench Fronts Blitzkrieg
World Wars 300 What was the turning point of World War II? Explain what happened in that battle. Answer
Answer World Wars 300 Battle of Stalingrad; German troops were surrounded without supplies in harsh winter.
World Wars 400 Hitler was anti-_________, blaming the Jews for all of Germany’s problems. The Nazi’s committed ___________ in the Holocaust and after the war faced punishments in the ____________ trials. Answer
Answer World Wars 400 Anti-Semitic Genocide Nuremburg
World Wars 500 What did the Allied Powers decide to do with Germany after World War II (at the Yalta Conference)? How can was this different than what the Treaty of Versailles did after World War I? Answer
Yalta – split up Germany Answer World Wars 500 Yalta – split up Germany Versailles – punished Germany (reparations crushed)
What was each side trying to spread in the Cold War: Other 100 What was each side trying to spread in the Cold War: USA: USSR: Answer
USSR: Communism (Totalitarian) Answer Other 100 USA: Democracy USSR: Communism (Totalitarian)
What is the 38th Parallel and the DMZ? Other 200 What is the 38th Parallel and the DMZ? Answer
38th Parallel – Boundary between North and South Korea. Answer Other 200 38th Parallel – Boundary between North and South Korea. DMZ – Demilitarized Zone
Imperialism 300- Daily Double
Other 400 The Nazis and Communist Party in the USSR were a ____________ government because the spied on citizens, intimidated them with secret police and used propaganda to get them to submit to their agenda. Answer
Answer Other 400 Totalitarian
Other 500 Deng Xiaopeng’s ________ _________ in China modernized the country, but also led to students wanting more freedoms from their communist government. The government crushed their protests located in ___________ __________. Answer
Answer Other 500 Four Modernizations; Tiananmen Square
Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Music How did the Treaty of Versailles and Appeasement after World War I lead to the rise of Hitler and the Nazis? Answer
Answer Final Jeopardy Treaty of Versailles - Reparations, destruction of the German military, etc. crushed the German economy and spirit. This embarrassment and hardship led to the German people becoming desperate to become great again and get revenge – they turned to the Nazis. Appeasement – Led by British Prime Minister Chamberlin appeasement let Hitler continue to break the Treaty of Versailles and grow stronger, conquering more land hoping he would stop.
Daily Double At the end of World War I, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had a plan for peace called the ____ ______. In it he proposed an organization of nations meeting together to ensure peace called the ________ __ ________. This would be replaced after World War II by the ________ ___________. Answer
Answer Daily Double 14 Points League of Nations United Nations