Action and Linking Verbs
Verbs A verb is the main word in the predicate of a sentence. The verb tells what the subject of the sentence is or does.
Action Verbs The action verb tells what the subject does or did. To find the verb, ask yourself, “What is the subject doing?” Example: We walked on the beach. We ran toward the ocean. Sometimes an action verb tells about an action that you cannot see. We want seashells. I wonder about the tides.
Linking Verbs A linking verb links, or joins, the subject with a word or words in the predicate that tell what the subject is or like. Linking verbs are most often forms of the verb be, such as am, is, are, was, and were. Become, seem appear, feel, taste, smell, and look can be linking verbs. Example: The seem awkward. The boy is happy.
Predicate Nominative A predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and identifies or explains the subject. Example: The mattresses were straw-filled bags. This bed is mine.
Practice Write an A if the underlined word is an action verb, L if it is a linking verb, or PN if it is a predicate nominative. Charles is a blacksmith. Darlene was proud of her homemade pie. The milk splashed on the floor. The baked ham smells good. Uncle Joseph carried water in buckets.