Hub A hub is a device that connects PCs together All hubs Contain multiple access ports the hub simply forwards the packets to all the other devices connected to it The price is based on Ports, usually around $40(5 ports). A hub is used in home networking or any other device.
Switch the switch reads the destination address information to determine if the destination device is connected to it. the switch forwards the packet ONLY to the destination device, switches are useful in home networking or larger user. The price rage is from $50-$200)
Router A router records the address information of everything connected to it like a switch. designed to take incoming packets, analyze the packets, moving the packets to another network. routers are commonly used in home networks to share a single Internet connection with multiple computers. Price rage is from $40 -$200
Bridge bridge is a device that connects two local-area networks (LANs) or two segments of the same LAN. bridges are protocol - independent. They forward packets without analyzing and re-routing messages. Bridge is typically used in local area networks(LAN). the price range from $ 50(4 ports)
Gateway a gateway is an address used as an entry point into another network. is an internetworking system capable of joining together two networks that use different base protocols. The gateway is commonly the address of a network device such as a network router. The price rage is from $30-$400
Firewall A firewall is a software utility or hardware device that limits outside network access to a computer or local network by blocking or restricting network. Firewalls are a great step for helping prevent un- authorized access to a company or home network. Typically is designed to protect the computer they are installed onto by blocking any unrestricted programs Price rage from $50 up to $20,000
Wireless AP access point (AP) is a device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network using Wi-Fi Access points act as a central transmitter and receiver of wireless radio signals. Wireless access points can be used to connect to a wired network router. The price range is about $60 up to $500 depending on the model.
Network diagram Internetrouterswitchfirewall hub bridge bridges