Physical Best Health-Fitness Specialist Certification Workshop Welcome Physical Best Health-Fitness Specialist Certification Workshop Welcome…
Workshop Instructor Sheri J. Brock, PhD Auburn University Department of Kinesiology Instructor(s) introduce themselves…
Sponsors (start by introducing our program sponsors and partners) Corporate grants and sponsorships help to keep the Physical Best program alive and growing. As a not for profit program, Physical Best relies on workshop revenue and resource sales, and also the generous support of sponsorship – FlagHouse / Cateye Fitness is the official equipment supplier for Physical Best workshops and also contributes financial support.
Partners Physical Best partners with the FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM assessment program of The Cooper Institute, And with Human Kinetics – which serves as publisher for both Physical Best & FITNESSGRAM.
Instructional Goal To provide participants with the resources and program components to implement Health-Related Fitness education (HRF). Notes The instructional goal of the Physical Best Health-Fitness Specialist certification is that participants will have the resources and understanding of the program components and principles to implement health-related fitness education and assessment for youth – upon successful completion of the workshop and self-study exam. The following 5 instructional objectives are the focus of the program, workshop, resources and certification exam.
5 Instructional Objectives Program Philosophy Health-Fitness Concepts Psychological Factors Curriculum Connection Effective Teaching
Program Philosophy Individualization Lifetime focus Teaching through activity Criterion-referenced assessment Program Philosophy The philosophy of Physical Best and FITNESSGRAM includes: Individualization of instruction With a focus on lifetime physical activity Teaching cognitive concepts THROUGH activity And focusing on criterion-referenced assessment
Health-Fitness Concepts Definition Components Principles Benefits Activities Content / Objective area 2 – Health-fitness concepts – This includes: Health-related fitness definition Health-related fitness components, and principles The benefits of physical activity And Physical Best activity design and instruction
Psychological Factors Behavior Motivation Goal-Setting The workshop (touches on) and resources that you receive with the workshop (in more detail) also address psychological factors such as – Behavioral and Motivational issues And Goal setting
Curriculum Connection Curriculum Complement Stairway to Lifetime Fitness (Corbin & Pangrazi) Relationship to National Standards The workshop will demonstrate, and the resources are designed to complement a complete physical education curriculum – Activities & concepts and the program philosophy can all be infused throughout a complete physical education curriculum The program follows the Stairway to Lifetime Fitness – which will be discussed… And also complements and supports national education standards in physical education, health and dance.
Effective Teaching Developmentally appropriate Fitness education cycle Activity instruction Effective teaching principles are addressed, such as – Developmentally appropriate activity and assessment The fitness education cycle – involving assessment, education, goal-setting and practice Activity instruction – including components and sequence of instruction with Physical Best activities.
Physical Best - What? Comprehensive Health-related For use with existing curriculums The PB program of NASPE (the National Association for Sport and Physical Education) – an association of AAHPERD – is a comprehensive, health-related fitness education program, for use in existing K-12 physical education curriculums. Breaking that down (bring in 3 bullets) – Comprehensive – When combined with FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM, provides a complete fitness education program with training and resources Health-Related – the emphasis is on students’ work toward obtaining and sustaining a healthful level of fitness (verses performance-related – where students work toward achieving a set number of repetitions, speed, etc.) For use with existing curriculums – The program is not intended to be a stand-alone curriculum. It focuses on NASPE standards 3 & 4, and the concepts and activities can be infused throughout the school year into a physical education curriculum.
Physical Best - Why? Non-competitive & Inclusive Positive & Individualized Ready-to-use / practical information and activities (provide explanation as you deem appropriate)
Physical Best – Why? Latest youth fitness research & practices National physical education, dance, and health standards Healthy People 2010 and Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health Lifelong physical activity emphasis Latest youth fitness research & practice – The PB and FG resources are continually updated to reflect the latest research and practices in youth fitness education National Standards – The programs are linked to national standards in physical education, developed by NASPE, which also correlate strongly with many state standards. The Physical Best activities are also referenced to dance education and health education standards. Healthy People & Surgeon General Reports – The program addresses issues in youth fitness and health as identified in these government documents & initiatives such as findings that participation in all types of activity declines strikingly as age or grade in school increases (surg gen rept on PA & Health, 1996, p.200). The mission of the PB and FG programs is to provide the education and tools needed for lifelong physical activity habits by presenting the whys and hows of physical fitness and emphasizing individualization and enjoyment.