Sub-headers in Source Sans Pro These are main title slides Title Source Sans Pro bold size 32 Sub-headers in Source Sans Pro semi-bold size 28 These are main title slides Mission Direct is a registered charity number 1107824
Source Sans Pro Semi bold size 26 Source Sans Pro Regular no smaller than 14 And no larger than 20 Quotes or references should be Italic Try to only use black, blue, purple or grey text – or white on colour backgrounds Use these as main slides Mission Direct is a registered charity number 1107824 Mission Direct is a registered charity number 1107824
Source Sans Pro Semi bold size 26 Subtitle semibold 24 Title Bullets can be made to stand out more in a box. Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 4 Bullet 5 Mission Direct is a registered charity number 1107824
Use elements like this to highlight key info or use as picture titles Keep images in proportion – don’t stretch them and keep some space around them. Don’t use clipart! Mission Direct is a registered charity number 1107824
THANK YOU! Mission Direct is a registered charity number 1107824