Environmental Commitments Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process
Environmental Commitments Documentation of Environmental Commitments – Section 1502, ODOT L&D Manual Procedures for Environmental Commitments Applicable to all projects Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process
Environmental Commitments Following approval of the environmental document District Environmental Coordinator will compile a list of the commitments for mitigating, minimizing or avoiding environmental impacts, and forward the District’s design project manager. If there are no commitments required, this should be noted. Appropriate plan notes are inserted in the contract plans Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process
Environmental Commitments – Environmental Consultation Form Prepared upon completion of Contract Plans Ensures that : all the environmental clearances and assumptions are still valid any required environmental commitments have been implemented into the design there are appropriate plan notes or other measures in place to ensure that any remaining commitments are followed through with during the construction phase Included with the plan file package which should be sent to the Office of Estimating. Copy also kept at District. Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process
Environmental Commitments – Additional Considerations During the construction phase, if a change order is required, that may change the scope of work or disturb a new area, the District Environmental Coordinator must be notified and the Environmental Consultation Form must be reevaluated and sent to The Office of Highway Management before that change order can be approved. Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process