WFD issues in rural development within the EU states


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Presentation transcript:

WFD issues in rural development within the EU states Thomas Dworak Ecologic Institute- Vienna Presentation to SSG Brussels, 19 March 2009

Table of Content Aim of the study Background CAP Reform Rural Development 2007-2013 RD - Share of public budget Overview of RDR measures related to water Public budget for Agri-environmental Measures (Art 39) Public budget for Modernising farms (Art 26) Conclusions Brussels, 19 March 2009

1. Aim of the study Summary of an in-depth assessment of RD-programmes 2007-2013 as regards to water management in the EU 27 Member States Brussels, 19 March 2009

2. Background Agriculture is one of the major causes of water degradation in the EU Agriculture strongly depends on existing water resources and water quality. There are strong interlinkages between agricultural practices, water quality and quantity The primary goal of the WFD is to achieve “good status” of all waters, however agricultural practices may impede reaching this goal CAP is a mirror of the increasing political interest in the conservation of natural landscapes and its resources How are the current RDPs likely to affect water resources? Brussels, 19 March 2009

3. CAP Reform Production based CAP established 1962 Latest “Health check” reforms finalised in 2009 Key elements of last reforms: 2003 Single Farm Payment: decoupling of subsidies from production & conditional on “cross-compliance” Modulation: redirecting money from pillar 1 to pillar 2 from direct payments to rural development New Rural Development Regulation 2009 Health Check Increased modulation between pillar 1 and 2 New & Simplified “cross-compliance” rules New challenges: climate change, renewable energies, water management Brussels, 19 March 2009

4. Rural Development 2007-2013 Axis I Competitivness Minimum 10% EAFRD Minimum 25% EFARD Minimum 10% EFRAD Freedom for member-state L E A D E R 5% Axis II Environment + Land Management Axis III Economic Diver. + Quality of Life Brussels, 19 March 2009

4. Rural Development 2007-2013 1. EU Strategic Guidelines establish the Community Priorities for the period 2007-2013 A strategic approach 2. National Strategies reflect EU-priorities according to the situation in the Member State concerned 3. Establishment of national or regional programmes on the basis of SWOT analysis The current RDR: Offers MSs and regions series 26 measures Target 3 main domains of intervention agricultural restructuring environment / land management wider rural development LEADER (method to implement local development strategies) National Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) and measures submitted by MSs 2000-2006 co-financed by EAGGF and MS 4. Programme implementation accompanied by monitoring and evaluation “ongoing evaluation” based on a Community framework Brussels, 19 March 2009

5. RD - Share of public budget Financial split between 4 Axes shows priorities of MS and ability to address water issues Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Sweden and UK spend more than 50% of public expenditure on Axis 2 “Environment” Belgium (> 50%), Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Spain spend more than 40% and less than 50% of public expenditure on axis 1. Brussels, 19 March 2009

6. Overview of RDR measures related to water All 4 axes offer possibilities to protect water: At least 21 out of 37 measures can be used Axis 1: water quality and quantity issues can be addressed in the context of farm investments (e.g. Irrigation, machinery). Axis 2: several environmental measures to improve water quality (e.g. Agri-env. Measures) Axis 3: Investments for non-agricultural activities (e.g. sewer systems in small villages) Brussels, 19 March 2009

6. Overview of RDP measures related to water Measures with focus on the improvement of rural areas’ economic situation Adding value to agricultural products (code 123) Agricultural and forestry infrastructure (Code 125) Tourism activities (Code 313) Basic Services (Code 321) Village renewal and development (Code 322) Measures addressing economic or environmental depending on the MS Training, information (code 111) Use of advisory services (code 114) Modernisation of agricultural holdings (code 121) Restoration and prevention actions (code 126) Axis 1 Brussels, 19 March 2009

6. Overview of RDP measures related to water Axis 2 Measures primarily reducing environmental costs NATURA 2000 on agricultural land and the WFD (Code 213) Agri-Environmental measures (Code 214) Non productive investments on agricultural land (Code 216) First afforestation of agricultural land (Code 221) First afforestation of non-agricultural land (Code 223) Natura 2000 payments on forest land (code 224) Forest-environment payments (Code 225) Non-productive investments on forest land (Code 227) Natural handicap payments (code 211, 212) Measures addressing economic or environmental depending on the MS First establishment of agroforestry systems (code 222) Recovery of forestry potentials (code 226) Brussels, 19 March 2009

6. Overview RDP measures related to water Axis 3 Measures primarily reducing environmental costs Conservation and upgrading of the rural heritage (Code 323) Measures with focus on the improvement of rural areas’ economic situation Tourism activities (Code 313) Basic Services (Code 321) Village renewal and development (Code 322) Brussels, 19 March 2009

7. Overview of RDP measures related to water RDPs takes into account regional differences  production traditions and methods, farm size and natural conditions In Mediterranean rural areas measures focus on increasing efficiency by reducing inputs (e.g. water) to improve competitiveness Baltic states focus on reducing the leakage of nutrients to the Baltic sea In new MS measures focus on improving and securing current situation by strengthening non-agricultural activities Brussels, 19 March 2009

7. Overview of RDP measures related to water Main water issues mentioned Water quantity: most efforts target irrigation efficiency Water quality: target Nitrate and pesticide pollution Two measures most prominent as regards budget, water and geographic distribution. They are: Agri-environmental measures (Art 39 - code 214) Modernisation of agricultural holdings (Art 26 - code 121) Brussels, 19 March 2009

8. The importance of Agri-environmental Measures (214) Brussels, 19 March 2009

7. The importance of Agri-environmental Measures (214) Multi-purpose measures: Land use change covers activities for the conversion of arable land into grassland Buffer zones include the of establishment of riparian zones, buffer strips or any other zone that set restrictions on fertiliser/PPP use and have requirements linked to spraying dates and/or techniques, limited grazing and livestock access Promotion of extensive grazing, extensive livestock production and/or extensive grassland use Brussels, 19 March 2009

7. The importance of Agri-environmental Measures (214) Input reduction: Nutrients reduction, e.g. limits in fertiliser use (time and type), nutrient balances on farm level, crop rotation plans, catch crops Pesticide reduction in all farming practices, e.g. limits in pesticide use Restriction pesticide use for specific crops Organic farming: input reduction, rotation, extensification of livestock. This measure is applied in all MS Integrated farming schemes Soil erosion measures combine measures such as stocking limits and maintaining terracing and soil cover Specific protection measures for wetlands Water saving measures Brussels, 19 March 2009

9. Public budget for Modernising farms (Art. 26) Brussels, 19 March 2009

9. Conclusions Avoiding negative effects: Effectiveness: Are institutional arrangements in place to ensure that safe guard mechanisms are operational? Develop systems of control that consider the sustainability of water resources and economic sustainability. One way could be the development of approaches that do not focus on micro-economic level but rather on the level of a region/basin. Effectiveness: Success in the implementation of measures will depend on the uptake of measures by farmers Improvements are needed in RDP monitoring system, so that the cost effectiveness of the measures can be identified Brussels, 19 March 2009

9. Conclusions Currently the WFD and the RDR have different timetables Assessments providing more geographical information An in-depth assessment should be carried out to identify potential synergies between the RD controls and the monitoring system established under the WFD LEADER has no detailed and systematically assessment as regard to water. An assessment could identify best practice examples to find local solutions between the water managers and farmers. Brussels, 19 March 2009

9. Conclusions The Health Check proposed new measures: Most sensitive issue as regard to water management is the proposed funding for water storage (including water overflow areas) un Adaption to Climate change Further development of energy crops. This can increase or decrease environmental pressures.  Design of new measures should be considering the risks to water. Brussels, 19 March 2009

Thank you for listening! Thomas Dworak Ecologic Institute - Vienna, Auhofstrasse 4/7, AT-1130 Vienna, Brussels, 19 March 2009