Green Knight National Directory Member at Large Chapter Who are We? Founded in February of 2000 on McGuire Air Force Base, NJ, the Green Knights are a military affiliated and chartered motorcycle club devoted to truth, honor, charity, loyalty, support, respect and commitment. Our purpose is the promotion and education of motorcycling to the community on and off base, as well as an opportunity to the hobby (or obsession) with one another. Members include active, reserve, and retired service men and women, and their families, along with federal employees of McGuire Air Force Base, Lakehurst NAS, and Fort Dix. We hold meetings once a month, and have planned rides (w/ destination) at least once a month. We also meet every Saturday (on weekends w/o planned rides, weather permitting) to local destinations determined at meeting time. The Green Knights stand for SAFETY. Our Safety Director keeps the club updated on Department Of Defense, Department Of Transportation, and local changes to traffic regulations. The Executive Board also disseminates these changes to non-club members. We fight for motorcyclists rights on base and had our first annual Motorcycle Awareness Ride this past spring, to let people know we're out there (lots of us). The Green Knights do not discriminate against any type of motorcycle or scooter. We are always looking for new members. Want to join or have information sent to you? Contact us Green Knight National Directory Director Adam Buehler MSF Rep Jef Richards Sgt at Arms Steve Fernaays Member Advocate Gil Besana Guardian Editor Dave Grant Member at Large Chapter Milton Abrams Green Knights MMC . Green Knight MMC Military Motorcycle Club Look us up at:
Family Values Community Service Safety THE BASICS While the Green Knights are not “Safety Police”, we do follow the guidelines established by DoDi 6055.4 and those established by each branch and installation. If you are military, you should take heed of these instructions any time you ride. We will not be the police nor your supervisor; in our eyes, it is their responsibility to enforce regulations! However, since safety is a primary concern of the Green Knights, anyone choosing to jeopardize the safety of any club member during a club ride will be asked to leave. We are here to educate, foster safe riding, and most of all….. HAVE FUN! Valley Forge- replacing the flags on vets graves Everywhere we go, we set a good example for others to follow. We only participate in events that would reflect positively on the military and on ourselves. Family members are encouraged to attend any and all events! Green Knights are involved in no less than 15 different charitable events per year. We support at least four long distance rides. For the ones who want to get away. This includes our yearly “Gathering of the Knights” We are here to support the entire riding population. We have members who specialize in long distance touring, charity events, and track days. We meet the needs of all levels and types of Motorcyclists. Mentorship is key to survival, sharing experiences with each other enriches everyone's riding for the better. Philadelphia “For the Kids” run THE BASICS Long Pants, Brightly colored outer garment (reflective at night), Gloves, DOT Helmet, Eye protection, Sturdy footwear Look us up at: