Add to Table of contents: Heat Tree Map Pg. 60 Heat Transfer Pg. 61
Heat Transfer Pg. 61 Heat moves from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature. Insulators prevent the transfer of heat and conductors transfer heat quickly. There are 3 different ways that heat can move: conduction, convection and radiation.
1. Conduction - -Heat transfered when two objects come into contact. The heat travels from the warmer object to the colder object.
2. Convection- -the transfer of heat through moving air or fluids.
Convection occurs because there is a density difference that results from a temperature difference. Colder substances are more dense and drop and warmer substances are less dense and rise. This creates a convection current of warmer air or fluid that carries heat to the colder area or object.
3. Radiating energy- heat moving over distance whether or not there is a medium.(doesn’t need to touch) -All objects with a temperature above absolute zero give off radiant energy. -This is why the Earth can be heated by a sun that is 107 million km away.
Types of Heat transfer Tree Map Use the reading to complete the tree map.
3 Types of Heat Transfer Radiation Conduction Convection 4 facts Number Them! Picture Explain how picture shows heat transfer
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