TSL Chs 11-13
Chapter 11 At the end of Chapter 10, what has Chillingworth seen? How does he react at the start of chapter 11? How does Dimmesdale talk himself out of distrusting Chillingworth? During many of his sermons, Dimmesdale says that he is “altogether vile, the viler companion of the vilest” (134). What does this mean? How do the parishioners interpret his message? How does Dimmesdale physically punish himself?
Chapter 12 Where does Dimmesdale go that night? Why? Why does Dimmesdale see Rev. Mister Wilson and Hester out that late? What does Pearl ask of Dimmesdale? What does Dimmesdale believe he sees in the sky? Pearl sees who watching them? What does he look like? Pearl tells Dimmesdale that he “wast not bold!--thou wast not true!” (146). What message is Hawthorne trying to convey here?
Chapter 13 Why does Hester feel responsible for helping Dimmesdale? How do the people of Boston view Hester after these seven years? How does the meaning of the A change? What does Hester do that gains her favor with the people? How does Hester believed wearing the A changed her? How does Hester feel about the rules of this society and women’s place in them? What action has she considered taking? Why does Hester want to talk with Chillingworth?