Three Compromises 1. Missouri Compromise (1820) 2. Compromise of 1850 3. Kansas-Nebraska Act
Western Expansion increased the slavery verses free states debate. 1
The more land the United States acquired, the worse tensions over slavery became. Free? Slave? Free? Slave? Free? Slave? Free? Slave? 2
After the Mexican Cession, California wanted to join the United States, the Union, as a free state We want to be a free state Pro slavery congressmen fought against it because that would make one more free state than slavery state. Therefore, the free states would have more representation in the House of Representatives 3
Senator Henry Clay from Kentucky “The Great Compromiser” 4
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Missouri Compromise- Senator Henry Clay from Kentucky Maine- free state Louisiana Purchase territory Lets look at the first big land acquisition- the Louisiana Purchase- Henry Clay was able to settle the free / slave state argument Line: everything below this line slave state / everything above this line free state Missouri slave state 5
Compromise of 1850
Here comes another compromise by Henry Clay called… Free? Slave? Free? Slave? Free? Slave? After acquiring Oregon territory from Britain and the Mexican Cession and Gadsden Purchase from Mexico, more arguments arose concerning which territories would become free or slave states. Here comes another compromise by Henry Clay called… The Compromise of 1850 Henry Clay the author / Stephen Douglas pushed it through Congress 6
Texas received $10 million to give up some land to New Mexico California free state Texas received $10 million to give up some land to New Mexico Slave trade, not slavery, was outlawed in Washington D.C. Utah and New Mexico become territories- decide the slavery issue themselves- vote on it- popular sovereignty Fugitive Slave Law- must return slaves to owners 7
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Next: Senator Steven Douglas wanted to open up Kansas-Nebraska territory to build a railroad… If he proposed the area free, the pro-slavery congressmen would not go along with him. If he proposed it slave, the anti-slavery congressmen would not go along… What should he do? Popular Sovereignty- People/ have the power By voting Popular Sovereignty Kansas Nebraska Territory He proposed a bill to divide this territory into Kansas and Nebraska and to let the people of those territories vote to determine whether they wanted to be a free or slave state. The bill passed and it became a law 8
The bill that passed was called the Kansas- Nebraska Act and it also peeled away the line that Henry Clay put in place to separate slave territory from free territory- now it was all to be voted on by the people of that area. No more line/ all the territory would be settled by popular sovereignty What happened in the first territory they tried popular sovereignty… in…Kansas… 9
The area came to be known as “Bleeding Kansas.” A three year war took place in Kansas over whether Kansas was going to be a free state or a slave state. The area came to be known as “Bleeding Kansas.” 10