Lesson 2 LT: I can describe the trends of physical properties of elements based on their position on the periodic table.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 2 LT: I can describe the trends of physical properties of elements based on their position on the periodic table.

You have 3 minutes to answer the following questions. Food For Thought You have 3 minutes to answer the following questions.

3 Minutes Nonmetals Metals

2 Minutes Nonmetals Metals

1 Minute Nonmetals Metals

10 Seconds

9 Seconds

8 Seconds

7 Seconds

6 Seconds

5 Seconds

4 Seconds

3 Seconds

2 Seconds

1 Second

Let’s get Started Feeding Your Mind!

LESSON 2 Food For Thought You have 3 minutes to answer the following questions.

3 Minutes Describe the relationship between electronegativity and ionization energy.

2 Minutes Describe the relationship between electronegativity and ionization energy.

1 Minute Describe the relationship between electronegativity and ionization energy.

10 Seconds

9 Seconds

8 Seconds

7 Seconds

6 Seconds

5 Seconds

4 Seconds

3 Seconds

2 Seconds

1 Second

Let’s get Started Feeding Your Mind!