A Believer’s Thankfulness For Faith Col. 1:12-14 Rom. 1:21 2 Tim. 3:2 1 Th. 5:16-18 Heb. 1:1-2 Heb 11:1-3 Rom. 1:20 Heb. 12:1 What is Thankfulness? What is Faith? What is the Basis For Our Faith? Thankful For The Events (Past) Thankful For The Evidence (Present) Thankful For The Effects (Now/Future) Why We Should be Thankful Faith and Thankfulness go together @ Dr. Heinz Lycklama
Events of the Past Recorded in God’s Word Creation (The Beginning) Corruption (The Fall) Catastrophe (The Flood) Confusion (Tower of Babel) Christ (First Coming) Cross (Redemption) Consummation (2nd Coming) Gen. 1:31 Gen. 3:6 Gen. Ch. 6-8 Gen. 11:3-4 Gen. 11:8 Luke 2 Rom. 6:23 Rev. 19:11 @ Dr. Heinz Lycklama
Confirmation of the Events By Stephen, Acts 7 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Everlasting covenant To Christ By Paul, Acts 13 God chose Israel Christ crucified Christ raised Prophecy fulfilled Acts 7:1-2 Gen. 12:1-3 Acts 7:8 Acts 7:52-53 Acts 13:17 Acts 13:28 Ps. 2:7 Is. 53 @ Dr. Heinz Lycklama
Evidence of the Events Internal consistency Manuscript evidence Archaeology Accuracy in science History Geography Prophecies fulfilled Uniqueness of the Bible 2 Tim. 3:16 Is. 40:3 John 1:29 Rev. 1:7 Gen. 9:4 Gen. 17:12 Luke 1:1-4 1 John 1:1 Deut. 18:20-22 Ezek. 26 @ Dr. Heinz Lycklama
Effect of the Events Changed lives of people of the Bible Rom. 1:16 Heb. 4:12 Luke 19:1-10 John 4:1-26 Acts 2:41 Acts 9 Acts 10 Rom. 13:13-14 Changed lives of people of the Bible Martyrdom of Apostles Changed lives of people throughout history Changed lives of people today Eternal life @ Dr. Heinz Lycklama
Why We Should Be Thankful Because of: Events of the past Evidence in the present Effects in the past/present/future And because: God welcomes thankful people God deserves your thanks God commands it Faith and Thankfulness go together Ps. 100:4 Ps. 107:1 2 Cor. 9:15 Col. 3:15 Col. 3:17 Col. 2:6-7 1 Th. 5:18 @ Dr. Heinz Lycklama