NOTICE MSc. PROJECT PROPOSAL PRESENTATIONS NOTIICE NOTICE MSc. PROJECT PROPOSAL PRESENTATIONS DATE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD , 2015 TIME: 2:00 – 5:00pm. VENUE: CEBIB Identification and characterization of Accessory gland proteins in the Glossina (Tsetse Fly) Genus Supervisors: Dr. B. Kulohoma, Dr. D. Masiga, Dr. G. Obiero By Muna Abry Fuad Development of sensitive and rapid genetic methods for the detection of antimicrobial resistant Staphylococcus aureus Supervisors: Dr. G. Aboge, Dr. G.Obiero By Gunga Apando Patrick Modeling the Impact of Land use change (Irrigation) on the Transmission Dynamics of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Tana River County, Kenya Supervisors: Dr. B. Bett, Dr. G. Obiero By Osowo Odhiambo Fredrick Molecular detection of Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte in areas of declining malaria transmission Supervisors: Dr. I. Oyier, Dr. M. Kapulu By De Laurent Zeydah Rolande Molecular Characterization of the co-Infections of African swine fever in Western Kenya Supervisors: Dr. E. Okoth, Dr. G. Obiero By Obange Akinyi Faith Characterization of Cocksackievirus strains that circulated Kenya's Nyanza province in 2007 Supervisors: Prof. W. Bulimo, Dr. E. Muge, Dr. G. Obiero By Omia Otieno Johnstone Genome sequence of tsetse polydnavirus (PDVs): Insights into symbiotic virus evolution. Supervisors: Prof. E. Matovu, Dr. D. Masiga, Dr. B. Kulohoma, Dr. G. Obiero By De Kimenyi Muteru Kelvin A characterization of Spiroplasma from wild mosquitoes collected in Kenya. Supervisors: Dr. J. Herren, Dr. I. Oyier By Towett Chepkemoi Sharon