Enter Presentation Title Presenter Name, Credentials Title; Employer Email (optional) Co-Presenter Name, Credentials Presenter Company Logo can be included on this slide only
Disclaimer (Optional Slide) Optional Sample Disclaimer – describe as you desire: This material is designed and provided to communicate information about clinical documentation, coding, and compliance in an educational format and manner. The presenter is not providing or offering legal advice but, rather, practical and useful information and tools to achieve compliant results in the area of clinical documentation, data quality, and coding. Every reasonable effort has been taken to ensure that the educational information provided is accurate and useful. Applying best practice solutions and achieving results will vary in each hospital/facility and clinical situation.
About the Presenter Presenter Name, Credentials Title; Employer Provide 2-3 sentence brief bio (i.e. HIM experience, relevant skills, education)
Goals/Objectives or Agenda List 4-6 goals/objectives for the program. Use wording to help the attendee understand what he/she will gain or receive from this program. Learn Review Enhance Improve
Slide Content Title Insert content slides here – as many as you need for your presentation. Generally, CHIA recommends not more than 45 slides per hour of program content, but this may differ depending on presentation needs.
Summary Summarize key points
Question & Answer Open to Questions for attendees
References Add references and/or resources here, as appropriate