POLB CONSULTANT PROCUREMENTS Typical Types of Contracts Single Project CM Consultant Services Programmatic CM Consultant Services On-Call CM Consultant Services On Call Construction Materials Testing Services PLA Support Services Typical Procurement Formats Requests for Statements of Qualifications Requests for Proposals The Green Port Policy’s guiding principles are: Protect the community from harmful environmental impacts of Port operations. Distinguish the Port as a leader in environmental stewardship and compliance. Promote sustainability. Employ best available technology to avoid or reduce environmental impacts. Engage and educate the community. Wildlife – Protect, maintain or restore aquatic ecosystems and marine habitats. Air – Reduce harmful air emissions from Port activities. Water – Improve the quality of Long Beach Harbor waters. Soils/Sediments – Remove, treat, or render suitable for beneficial reuse contaminated soils and sediments in the Harbor District. Community Engagement – Interact with and educate the community regarding Port operations and environmental programs. Sustainability – Implement sustainable practices in design and construction, operations, and administrative practices throughout the Port.
DEVELOPING THE PROPOSAL (SOQ) Get to know the owner, program and/or projects Previous work experience for owner by firm and by lead is benefit Attend board meetings Speak to leaders from the owner Review owner’s website Policies and procedures Capital Improvement Program Master Schedule Project Labor Agreement information Small Business Enterprise Program information
DEVELOPING THE PROPOSAL (SOQ) Speak to tenants/utilities/third parties/city building departments Understand and follow format – we grade this way Read RFP instructions/read previous answers before asking questions Let references know you are using them
PROPOSAL/SOQ BASIC FEEDBACK Directly respond to requirements in brief manner Clearly address key services to show understanding of scope of work Follow formatting/length/other requirements Org charts should be simple and clear Be honest/clear about roles in past projects QC Check! - Freshen recycled content for each pursuit
DEVELOPING A STAFFING PLAN Positives for proposed key personnel Worked for firm for a while Proposed team members have worked together before Firm or key members have worked for owner before Staff can cover multiple responsibilities
DEVELOPING A STAFFING PLAN Lack of experience in specific type of project a negative for firm or key staff Consider teaming with experienced consultant to develop experience Propose on simpler or traditional projects for owner before complex/specialty projects
TECH ISSUES No alternative management systems Adaptable to new systems Provide tech savy staff to make transition quick/easy
ON-CALL CONSULTANT CONTRACTS Most tasks are small to medium sized – Make sure experience shows this Many specialty tasks – training, procedures, etc Mention upcoming needs which are good fit Expertise across both prime and subs is strength Try to cover all areas of expertise needed Show experience in past on-call contracts
THE INTERVIEW The PIC/firm executive should have very limited role Introduce PM QA for Services Provided Provide needed resources/contractual authority Try to have all team members present participate in interview PM should address all questions first then transition to team members
THE INTERVIEW Past team experience shows in interviews Make sure to practice/team members know each other and each other’s responsibilities on team Helpful to mention relevant projects and experiences – panel may not recall
COST EFFECTIVENESS CIP Budgets are limited/public perception of spending has increased Brooks Act In developing proposal/interview: Right size staffing – efficient, not too few, not too many – explain Rates – We look at recent projects for your and other consultant rates
COST EFFECTIVENESS In developing proposal/interview cont’d: Larger projects/programs – Can staff fill multiple roles State how you will review scope/schedule and adjust staff throughout project Don’t overstaff project in proposal Propose right person as lead for size/risk of project We develop our own staffing plan before procurement starts Put on the owner’s hat
PROGRAM/PROJECT RISKS Addressing risks is key to successful proposal/interview Demonstrate understanding of specific risks Don’t give general/vague responses to risks, i.e. “avoid changes/delays” Which risks are greatest to successful completion of project Develop/communicate specific plans The Port prepared risk assessments for many projects – get a copy!
SPECIALTY KNOWLEDGE Project Labor Agreements Small Business Should be fluent in knowledge and requirements Address awareness of classifications covered by agreement PLA problems indicative of other management problems Small Business Develop relationships early - differentiator SBE plan is component of scoring in our procurements Past performance is considered in current procurements Grants – Becoming huge at POLB – Experience is great JOCs – Managing JOCs is another differentiator
SPECIALTY KNOWLEDGE For large projects or programs, specialty expertise frequently needed Environmental – soil/air/water/storm water/hazardous materials Risk Management Partnering Project Controls Utilities Look for opportunities for staff to wear multiple hats
WHAT STANDS OUT IN INTERVIEWS Attitude – Feeling key staff will fit in Client first versus firm first Winning teams conduct themselves: as a team in the interview and are prepared in a professional manner and appear well coordinated Don’t arrive too early or too late Provide clear and concise responses
AFTER TENTATIVE SELECTION Meet with owner to discuss any updates in scope and staffing needs Both parties should be reasonable with staff/rate negotiations Understand/raise issues with contract requirements before this point Contract language Insurance PLA SBE Others
AFTER TENTATIVE SELECTION Don’t raise new contractural issues Be knowledgeable with costs covered in rates/educate subconsultants Support contract presentation to governing board No bait and switch
AFTER WORK STARTS Again, past performance can be considered in selection Kickoff Meeting Program/Project Management Plan Regular customer feedback meetings Work with owner regarding scope/staffing changes
FUTURE WORK OPPORTUNITIES NRG Intake Demolition Terminal Island Wye Rail Project Gerald Desmond Bridge Demolition Fireboat Station 20 Construction Material Inspection On-Call Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility
Contact Information Darrin Lambrigger, P.E., CCM Director, Construction Management Division Port of Long Beach 4801 Harbor Plaza Drive Long Beach, CA 90245 (562) 283-7205