A proactive noise management: The EU at the service of national decision-makers Thank you mr Chair to let me contribute from transport angle. You have heard my colleague of DG ENV – approach to protect people. Transport approach = not to protect industry, but to make well balanced decisions. So: two approaches are complementary. EU = responsible for EU framework and EU wide measures – NOT individual cases – left over to national competent authorities – subsidiarity There question is: how can we – EU regulators and institutions – contribute to better local decision-making. That then is the contribution, value added from EU – not nodding local authorities in particular direction, but promote better evidence based local decision-making. . ARC – 20 November 2015 24/02/2019
Community outreach: Engage with community in the vicinity Where are the directly affected citizens? "New" pillar of Balanced Approach Good neighbourship is basis for good relations Data and communication part of Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC In EU Regulation on airport noise: Technical group of airport/airline/air navigation service provider/community Improved evidence based + modelling Disseminate best practice, e.g. aircraft monitoring This is NOT part of the official Balanced Approach Recent R&S has highlighted importance of outreach efforts Eg. Vienna: decisions on operating restrictions on basis of mediation process Eg Detailed tracking of aircraft & trajectories (with time lag) Noise burden becomes more bearable if people feel involved in the process and feel that their needs are taken into account Community action was part of END – now also important element of ANR: Consultation of community groups Technical discussions with community and aviation actors Right of scrutiny recognizes outcome of community work
Community outreach in EU/598/2014 Set noise abatement objectives – set in framework of environmental noise directive – including consultation Identify the possible mitigating measures Technical work of airport / service provider / airlines Transparency of technical input Assess cost-effectiveness Select the measures Explain headlines of Commission proposal More harmonization through regulation, EU = framework for decision-making. Much attention to technicalities: how to strengthen the evidence base, upon which concrete decisions are taken. That is why all authorities will be in the position to use the best available modelling method and modelling input. While this regulation could deliver a coherent set of noise mitigating measures, the noise mitigating targets are set in accordance with the environmental noise directive. This regulation then delivers the most cost-effective solution to reach this objective.
Community outreach in EU/598/2014 Consult the stakeholders – including citizens living in the vicinity Adopt the measures & notify Implement the measures Provide for dispute resolution Explain headlines of Commission proposal More harmonization through regulation, EU = framework for decision-making. Much attention to technicalities: how to strengthen the evidence base, upon which concrete decisions are taken. That is why all authorities will be in the position to use the best available modelling method and modelling input. While this regulation could deliver a coherent set of noise mitigating measures, the noise mitigating targets are set in accordance with the environmental noise directive. This regulation then delivers the most cost-effective solution to reach this objective.