Museums in Derbyshire 2016-17 Summary: 27 Derbyshire museums in the Accreditation scheme in 2016/17 15 Accredited museums responded to the MDEM survey 2 non-Accredited museums responded to the MDEM survey 688,588 visits to Derbyshire museums in 2016/17 Visits helped contribute an estimated £7,349,933 to the Derbyshire economy 22,371 participants were engaged by museums through formal learning and outreach 27,561 participants were engaged by museums through informal activities and events 1,879 volunteers contributed 129,400 hours to museums, which was worth just over £900,000 231 people were in paid employment in museums in Derbyshire in 2016/17 Image: Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, Derbyshire Figures based on data from 55% (15) of museums within the Accreditation scheme and 2 non-Accredited museums. Data collected from the MDEM Annual Survey of Museums 2016-17. For more information visit