#1 Make small incision here with scissors #4 Make some small cuts so that the skin and muscle are away from body and pin these down. PINS LEGS OF LIZARD #2 Make a careful cut from base all way up to tip of head. Carefully lifting up as you go not to cut organs below. #3 Separate skin from muscle and then cut muscle layer same way.
Key Things to Do with Lizard Know all your major organs or structures and where they are located… Trachea / esophagus Heart Lungs Liver Gallbladder Stomach Small Intestine Bladder / Cloca Kidneys Male (testis), female (ovaries & funnel)
What else… Cut a piece of skin from the lizard and place this under the dissecting microscope to see the scales. To the touch the lizard feels smooth like a frog, but truly has scales. Look at organs under microscope (carefully place blue pad with lizard in view area) Look at the claws of the lizard Check out the muscle structure Look at the spinal column and try to find the brain. Read through the Anatomy of a Lizard Info Sheet