Annual Conference Aspirations & Alliances Facing the Challenges and how CIHT can help? Matthew Lugg OBE CIHT President
2006 the start of formal collaborative working the 3 Counties Alliance Partnership (3CAP)
2007 Creation of the
About CIHT - Who we Represent All modes of transport Public & private sectors Members from students to Chief Executives A Network of over 14,000 members 12 UK Regions 5 Countries Over 50 Corporate Partners
What are the challenges we face? Funding Resources Climate Change/Resilience Loss of public confidence Brexit and political uncertainty Technological innovation
1. Funding Revenue poor Capital rich Ongoing austerity - ‘Bankrupt’ Northamptonshire county council may cut to legal minimum Capital rich Government investment in infrastructure and housing to support economic growth
Strategic Priorities 2016-2021 Promoting professionalism and encouraging learning Influencing the future Developing our membership by providing services that benefit our members and society
Engagement with Stakeholders Policy Themes Delivering Services for People Integrating Planning and Transport Contribution of Transport Creating Better Places Resillience Take part in roundtables, conferences and industry briefings Present the case for transport and the important role it plays now Development of policy themes
CIHT Lugg review of local authority highway infrastructure What is the condition of local highway infrastructure in England? What are the economic and social costs of not maintaining local highway infrastructure? Does the current approach to the governance, management and funding of local highway infrastructure need to be improved? What are the funding requirements of local highway infrastructure and are current funding streams suitable for the future? Is there a role for alternative models for local highway infrastructure maintenance and investment? Poynton, Cheshire
2. Resources
Strategic Priorities 2016-2021 Promoting professionalism and encouraging learning Influencing the future Developing our membership by providing services that benefit our members and society
Professional Qualifications Engineering Chartered Engineer Incorporated Engineer Engineering Technician Transport Planning Transport Planning Professional Road Safety Auditing Certificate of Competency (Society of Road Safety Auditors)
Membership Grades Find out more here: Speak to our Membership Team e: or t: +44 (0)20 7336 1571
The signatories to this Charter will: Strive to achieve best practice in recruitment, retention and career progression practices as employers Support the development of good diversity and inclusion practice by collecting and sharing examples of practical activities that contribute to progress with CIHT and other signatories. Assign responsibility for meeting our Charter Commitments to a named, senior level individual. Work together to develop and adopt future protocols and practice that support the implementation of the aims of this Charter. Recognise, respect, capitalise and celebrate contributions from different people to strengthen team performance. Display the CIHT diversity and inclusion logo to publically demonstrate our commitment to this agenda.
3. Climate Change/Resilience Gritters scrambled to save Britain's roads as they melt in the heatwave
Current Activities – Technical & Social Events CIHT National Events: Highways UK 2018 - 7 - 8 November 2018 Young Professionals Conference -16 November 2018 CIHT Annual Luncheon 2018 - 14 December 2018 Dates for your diary: – it’s worth checking regularly for updates on industry, CIHT national and local events.
4. Public Confidence Putting the customer first Being Professional is a core value and key requirement of being a member of CIHT All members adhere to a code of conduct that values ethics and integrity Core Values – Professional / Inclusive / Collaborative and Progressive
Strategic Priorities 2016-2021 Promoting professionalism and encouraging learning Influencing the future Developing our membership by providing services that benefit our members and society
Presidential Theme 2018/19- Delivering better services for people My whole career in the public and private sector has been focussed on delivering infrastructure and services to local communities Recognising the importance of consultation, engagement, communication and listening to help deliver better outcomes In the DfT Self Assessment process initiated adding the 3 customer focused questions on public satisfaction, communication and customer feedback This links to CIHT’s first research programme developed following our Learned Society & Technical Strategy Board themes
5. Brexit and political uncertainty Brexit? An opportunity creates opportunities for the sector Are we prepared for what this could mean for certain core skills How can we boost productivity CIHT will use its position as the leading highways and transportation institution to move these discussion on by providing leadership and offering solutions
6. Technological Innovation
Recognising changing times - CIHT Futures The skills we need to build The tools we need to use The Techniques we can use
Divergent, plausible futures Percentage change in total distance travelled by car from 2014 to 2042 Co-operative and Close Global Locals high 3% 53% physical Accessibility preference virtual Relative cost of energy 25% 35% low Travellers’ Paradise Digital Decadence
Summary We are facing challenging times and a lot of uncertainty That’s why its important to collaborate and be members of the MHA And to be part of an Institution like CIHT that reflects your interests
10 Reasons to be a Member Qualifications Industry Recognition Local Regional Support Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Networking community – technical & social events Transport Professional – Members’ Magazine Members only on-line area – My CIHT Best Practice & Technical Excellence A voice for the profession Represent CIHT Find out more:
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