Chapter 4: Perceiving Persons


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 4: Perceiving Persons Part 2: Sept. 20, 2010

Attribution Biases What are heuristics? 1. Availability heuristic Can lead to false consensus Can lead to baserate fallacy Counterfactual thinking example -

Counterfactual thinking (cont.) Regret over what we might have done Olympic results example: 2) Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE): What is it? Examples:

Some sources of the FAE 1) Actor-observer difference. What is it? Example? 2) Time perspective – 3) Cultural differences – how does collectivism or individualism relate to situational explanations?

Motivational Biases Self-serving biases Influence of need for self-esteem Belief in a just world

Impression Formation How do we integrate information to form impressions? Common deviations from rules: Perceiver characteristics Priming effects Target characteristics