The Geoscience Support Professional Career Presented by Amber Robbins March 27, 2018
A little about me… B.S. Geology and B.A. Secondary Education University of Wyoming 2009-2012 Petroleum Geologist at BLM Wyoming 2012-Present Senior Geoscience Technician at Castleton Resources, LLC Colorado, Texas Professional Development classes each year Family Houston GeoTechs
Topics... Part 1: Different Career Titles/Paths Typical Work Day Examples Data Organization Operator Activity Maps Horizontal Wells/Directional Surveys Part 3: Pros/Cons of Career Recommendations for your future Houston GeoTechs
Geoscience Support Professional Different Titles/Career Paths Geoscience Technician Geoscience Technologist Geophysical Technician Geology Technician GIS Analyst GIS Technician Geoscience Data Analyst Petrophysical Technician Geoscience/Engineering Technician Characterization and Development Technologist Geoscience Technical Assistant
Typical Work Day Problem Solve Software Support Data Organization Communication with different departments Multitask Learn about Geosciences while working Call software support line
Questions? (Part 2 next…)
Examples Data Organization Standardize Save data on server Operator Activity Map Working with Horizontal Wells
Example #1: Data Organization Create Digital Well Library
Create Standard Folder Template as a Team (Example in Google Drive)
Create Standardized Well Folder Names in Excel API Number Standards (Google Drive)
Example Code in Visual Basic to Create Digital Well Library View Full Code (Google Drive) Sub CreateDirs() Dim R As Range Dim RootFolder As String RootFolder = "P:\" '<<< CHANGE 1 --make sure this is a drive on your computer For Each R In Range("A2:A418") '<<< CHANGE 2 --modify in future to use selection If Len(R.Text) > 0 Then On Error Resume Next MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text ' FOLDER NAME MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" ' SUB FOLDER MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" & "\Core" '< SUB-SUB FOLDER MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" & "\Geologic Prognosis" '< SUB-SUB FOLDER MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" & "\Geochemistry" '< SUB-SUB FOLDER MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" & "\Geophysics" '< SUB-SUB FOLDER MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" & "\Logs" '< SUB-SUB FOLDER MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" & "\Logs" & "\Wireline" '< SUB-SUB-SUB FOLDER MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" & "\Logs" & "\Mudlog" '< SUB-SUB-SUB FOLDER MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" & "\Logs" & "\LWD - MWD" '< SUB-SUB-SUB FOLDER MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" & "\Maps" '< SUB-SUB FOLDER MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" & "\Petrophysics" '< SUB-SUB FOLDER MkDir RootFolder & "\" & R.Text & "\Geology" & "\Formation Tops" '< SUB-SUB FOLDER On Error GoTo 0 End If Next R End Sub
Create a culture to share data Save data in digital well folders
File Organization Made Efficient Reduces Manual Organization and Human Error Excel with Command Prompt Rename files to standard names Reference digital well folders on server Move files to correct location automatically Castleton Commodities International acquired Anadarko East Texas assets January 2017 ~57,000 files organized into well folders in days Standardization made this possible
Example #2: Operator Activity Maps (also known as War Maps in some companies)
Purpose of Operator Activity Maps Stay Current with Other Operator Activities Drilling, Completions, Recompletions, Refracs, Permits Compare Your Company to Nearby Operators IP rates, Proppant, Frac Fluid, Drill Pattern, Formations Perfed Business Advantage Acquisition and Divestiture Opportunities Midstream Consolidation and Efficiencies
Example of Operator Activity Maps Key Elements of Map (Live Example in DrillingInfo at end if time allows)
Data Sources Available to Create Operator Activity Maps State Oil and Gas Websites Texas Railroad Commission ( Louisiana Department of Natural Resources SONRIS (Strategic Online Natural Resources Information System) ( Geological Survey of Alabama State Oil and Gas Board ( Colorado Oil and Gas Commission ( Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining ( Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission ( California Division of Oil, Gas, & Geothermal Resources ( IHS Markit DrillingInfo PLS Scout Rocky Mountain Oil Journal
Deliverables Operator Activity Map - East Texas/North Louisiana Leasehold New completions and recompletions Target Formations: Pettit through Haynesville Excel Spreadsheet of new completions and recompletions Comprehensive spreadsheet of all completions and recompletions
Example #3: Horizontal Wells Important Details associated with Directional Surveys
Directional Surveys Measured Depth Inclination: The deviation from vertical, irrespective of compass direction, expressed in degrees (angle). Azimuth: The compass direction (angle) of the wellbore as planned or measured by a directional survey typically measured clockwise from north onto a horizontal surface (map view)
Example 1 Example 2
Directional Survey Example
*Minimum Curvature Method is widely used to get NS and EW Offsets Source: *Minimum Curvature Method is widely used to get NS and EW Offsets Use 3 decimal places in NS/EW Offets for accuracy. (Example in Google Drive)
*Different working projects in different projections 2 3 1 *Different working projects in different projections
True North vs. Grid North Differences 300ft. 300ft. Bottom Hole Location 300ft. Grid North Directional Survey (wrong projection) True North Directional Survey Surface Hole Location GeoGraphix example N Directional survey references Grid North--US State Plane Texas North Central NAD27 but GeoGraphix Map is in US State Plane Louisiana North NAD27 Difference is approximately 300 feet. Projections Matter! North Reference Matters! Azimuth is affected.
Setback Rule Example Bottom Hole Horizontal Well Path Hypothetical Lease Setback Rules: 330’ from West Line 200’ from N/S Line Perforations along wellbore need to follow setback rules Can cost $$$ to pay fines or to pay offsetting mineral owners Surface Hole ArcGIS example
Why does 200 feet matter? Development program Spacing Drainage/Depletion Lease line/hard lines or setback rules Perforations and fracing $$$ Fines/Offsetting Mineral Owners
Questions? (Part 3 next…)
Pros/Cons of Career PROS CONS Help people Do not interpret/analyze data very often Software experts Not as much influence as Geologist Know where the data is stored Career advancement can be limited Great Salary for level of education ($60,000 - $120,000+) Do not get credit or recognized for work very often compared to a Geologist Generally great working hours GeoTech discrimination Geology B.S. degree not required but is a bonus May not be “in the know” of what’s happening in the company Family friendly Less Meetings/Less Responsibility
Recommendations… Earn a degree Learn software Network Stay Curious! Geology, GIS, Petroleum Data Technology, Geophysics Learn software Kingdom, Petra, ArcGIS, Spotfire, GeoGraphix, MS Excel Network Join LinkedIn Make Connections Stay Curious! “Reach out! The industry doesn’t know you and will not necessarily come looking for you. You need to go out there, network and make sure people see you and remember you for the next time they want to hire someone.” Sean Kimiagar
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Recap… Part 1: Different Career Titles/Paths Typical Work Day Part 2: Examples Data Organization Operator Activity Maps Horizontal Wells/Directional Surveys Part 3: Pros/Cons of Career Recommendations for your future Houston GeoTechs
Questions? Amber Robbins Thank You! Questions? Amber Robbins