NYDA Background The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) is a South African based agency established primarily to tackle challenges that the nation’s youth are faced with. The NYDA was established by an Act of parliament, act no 54 of 2008. The institution was established to be a single, unitary structure, established to address youth development issues at National, Provincial and Local government level. The NYDA plays a lead role in ensuring that all major stakeholder’s, i.e. government, private sector and civil society, prioritise youth development and contribute towards identifying and implementing lasting solutions which address youth development challenges. Furthermore, the NYDA designs and implements programmes aimed at improving lives and opportunities available to the youth. These programmes are clustered as follows as follows: Education and Skills Development, Economic Development and Health & Wellbeing. The NYDA channels for programme implementation include; Branches, Local Youth Offices and collaboration with NGO’s and CBOs. 1
Mandate and legislative context
Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation VISION AND MISSION VISION To be a Credible and Capable Development Agency for South Africa’s Youth MISSION To Mainstream youth issues into society and To Facilitate youth development with all sectors of society. Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation National Youth Development Agency
Functions of the Agency National Youth Service and Social Cohesion; Economic Participation; Policy, Research and Development; Governance, Training and Development; Youth Advisory and Information Services; and National Youth Fund;
NYDA Branches Branch Province Bloemfontein Free State Cape Town Western Cape Durban KZN East London Eastern Cape Port Elizabeth Johannesburg Gauteng Soweto Tshwane Emalahleni Mpumalanga Secunda Mbombela Rustenburg North West Polokwane Limpopo Thulamela Kimberley Northern Cape 5
RATIONALE AND CASE FOR OPERATIONAL TURNAROUND STRATEGY The NYDA remains the most pivotal institution of the South African government to address youth development. The NYDA Act (54 of 2008), albeit wide-ranging, locates the agency at the centre of youth development directing the efforts of government, civil society and the private sector. The ever increasing expectations of the multitudes of young people’s crying out and demanding development support to achieve their aspirations confirm the central locality of the agency. The Agency will celebrate five (5) years of existence in 2014. From the starting blocks of its existence, the Agency has limped along often following the pathway of youth development instead of creating this pathway. The false starts and slow pace has seen the agency respond from one crisis to another. This has resulted in negative criticism from both state and non-state actors with the loudest voices being young people themselves. Struggling to tell its good story, the NYDA has found itself responding to the youth development narrative instead of leading and shaping this narrative. With a new Board of Directors and a renewed sense of purpose and governance, the NYDA has embarked on a different trajectory. A new mission, innovative flagship programmes and sound management has put the agency on a good footing. For the NYDA to be a credible and capable agency, it must move from good to great.
ENHANCING CREDIBILITY PILLAR 1: ENHANCING CREDIBILITY Engaging Youth Formations Engaging Editors Engaging Community Radio Stations and Newspapers Transparent Reporting focusing on: Performance Information Expenditure report Beneficiary Lists ( Profiling) Irregular and Fruitless/Wasteful Expenditure Sponsorships and Donations NYDA Partnerships Awarding of tenders Payment of Suppliers Turnaround times on provision of products and services Implementation of corrective actions on audit and risks findings
PILLAR 2: BUILDING CAPABILITY Reviewing Policies; Procedures and Systems Monitoring Performance Budget Management Monitoring and Mitigating Risks Introducing a Balanced Scorecard Targeted Partnership Building Staff training and development Rural Reach
DEVELOPING EFFICIENCY PILLAR 3: Reviewing the Organisation’s Skills, Structure and Culture Addressing Internal and External Audit Findings Review, Upgrade and Replace IT Systems Enhancing Labour Relations Disposing of the Loan Book Performance measures aimed at improving efficiencies DEVELOPING EFFICIENCY
PILLAR 4: ENHANCING IMPACT Increased Funding from the National Treasury Repositioning National Youth Service Up-scaling Flagship Programmes Repositioning the Mentorship Programme ENHANCING IMPACT Repositioning the Jobs Placement Programme Developing a National Internship Programme NYDA/IDC/SEFA Fund Rural Development at the Epi-Centre Cost containment program
Products and Services offered in NYDA branches Entrepreneurship Development Programmes Entrepreneurship development training Grant funding for SMME development Voucher services for businesses Business mentorship Market linkages Cooperative training and funding Education & Skills Development 2nd Chance Matric Rewrite Solomon Mahlangu Scholarship Career Guidance Job Preparedness, Lifeskills and Job Placements Outreach Programmes NYDA provides information to the youth in their areas through the outreach programme with mobile units visiting the youth in their communities.
Functional NYDA Local Youth Office Province Contracted Operational Offices with trained staff Offices with no internet connectivity Number of LYO’s with allocated office space Number of LYO’s with assigned staff Number of LYO’s having received marketing material Number of LYO’s branded Eastern Cape 24 11 7 10 15 16 5 Free State 12 3 6 Gauteng 34 21 14 26 22 9 Kwa – Zulu Natal 38 31 29 28 17 Limpopo 4 8 Mpumalanga 103 87 40 44 Northern Cape 1 North West 13 2 Western Cape
Nature of partnership with LYO’s The partnership with Local Youth Offices assists the NYDA to reach out to youth in communities. The Municipalities offers the NYDA facilities (office space) human resources, and covers operational costs to run the office and implement youth programmes. The NYDA brand the youth office, provides youth development training to staff at the municipality, and provides products and service support to the municipality. Due to limited resources from both parties, there those LYOs that are not fully resourced as per the table above. Municipalities identify youth programmes where there are possible areas of collaboration with the NYDA such as National Youth Service Programmes, YouthBuild Programmes and other skills and entrepreneurship development programme in line with the approved plans of the Municipalities. NYDA also hosts youth dialogues with young people to debate challenges that young people are faced with in their communities. These dialogues inform programmes at a later stage.
Product & Services in LYO CIPC Registrations Internet Access Information provision on youth programmes across government Career information and advice Sponsorship of youth initiatives Bursaries From the above listed products and services, since 1st April 2016, 2796 young people have been assisted (See attached list)
NYDA Rural Development Programme There are a large variety of rural development approaches used globally. However, the NYDA has moved from a “needs and problems”- based approach towards an integrated process which takes the form of “assets and opportunities” identification for livelihood security and sustainability. This is achieved by conducting a community ‘Gap Analysis” with a focus on the following:- Human Asset Base Natural Asset Base Physical Asset Base Social Asset Base Financial Asset Base The most dependable means of livelihood and causes, and the most desired means of livelihood This assessment is followed by the following process:- Data analysis and Designing change mechanisms; Identification and engagement of relevant stakeholders, mobilization/ activations, Project Planning, obtaining funds, and Project implementation. All the Projects that NYDA implemented in the rural areas followed the same as outline above..
Summary of Projects Funded by the NYDA Rural Development Programme to date Project name Province Date approved Number of Cops Number of Female youth supported Number of Male youth supported Number of Disabled youth supported Total O.R. Tambo Project EC October 2013 7 75 12 87 LP 30 24 54 MP December 2013 3 10 13 NC February 2014 5 17 9 26 NW 1 8 KZN 6 20 FS August 2104 27 16 43
Summary of Projects Funded by the NYDA Rural Development Continued MP August 2014 1 6 10 16 EC October 2014 7 33 12 45 LP February 2015 8 27 35 WC 4 22 5 GP May 2015 2 20 FS July 2015 National October 2015 15 30 75 36 24 60 November 2015 202 1212 808 2020 TOTAL 288 1450 970 2420
ANNUAL BUDGET 2015 - 2017 Key Programmatic Area Budget allocation 15/16 Budget allocation 16/17 % change MTSF outcome Economic Participation R46 776 209 R59 253 300 27% Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Education and skills development R51 987 305 R74 099 686 43% Quality basic education & decent employment through inclusive economic growth National Youth Service R20 496 050 R56 802 100 177% Nation building and social cohesion Service Delivery Channel R31 391 913 R24 611 821 -22% An efficient, effective and development orientated public service Research and Policy R12 371 896 R10 173 573 -18% Administration R87 716 405 R81 283 719 -7% Employee costs R189 819 214 R145 529 300 -23% Total R427 289 000 R451 753 500
Employee costs reprioritization 2014/2015 Audited 2015/2016 2016/2017 Budgeted 2017/2018 Projected Employee costs 176 476 000 209 615 000 145 600 000 152 900 000 National Treasury allocation 408 237 000 409 289 000 405 766 000 437 178 000 Percentage 43% 51% 36% 35%
Cost reduction initiatives Detail Current spend (15/16) Future spend (16/17) Saving per annum Head office movement due to restructuring R16 800 000 R6 000 000 R10 800 000