IEEE-SA Smart Grid
IEEE-SA Smart Grid Support full life cycle of standards to develop a pipeline of standards related activities Pre-standards activities Developing SG long term vision documents for Communications, IT, Power, Control Systems, and Vehicular technology Research groups to focus on specific technology areas to develop white papers, position papers, standards proposals or other related Wireless Power Transfer – EVs Power Magnetics – Solid State Transformers Nano and molecular Communications Vehicle avoidance Data Analytics Standards Acceleration Implement support services (staff resources and electronic tools)to facilitate the acceleration of standards development, approval, and publication
IEEE-SA Smart Grid – Cont. Post-standards activities Enable SG interoperability and market acceptance via support and/or creation of industry conformity and interop initiatives and activities: Market implementation activities; Conformity assessment programs; Testing & Certifications; Branding; etc. International marketing and PR efforts Distribute and evangelizing for increasing awareness and participation in the IEEE-SA SG activities in countries of China, India, Japan, Korea, Germany, as well as in No. America Form strategic partnerships; build collaboration and cooperation: International and regional SDOs, Industry forums, Gov.