Topics: Number Sense Additive Composition Inversion Unit 1 Topics: Number Sense Additive Composition Inversion
IT: The Caterpillar
3 6 19 4 18 16 20 17 2 10 9 13 12 11 14 start 8 7 15 5 1 3 6 19 4 18 16 20 17 2 10 9 13 12 11 14 start 8 7 15 5 1
IT: Ladybird Game
IT: Butterfly 5p Game
How many spots did you fill? Unit 1 Answer sheet 2 Example Coins for each go How many spots did you fill? 2 2
Teacher demonstration of inversion with blocks
IT: Inversion 1
? 6 6 +4 -4
? 4 5 +6 -7
? 9 9 +5 -5
? 9 8 +5 -4
? 6 7 +4 -5
Now, the blocks added and subtracted will no longer be in a different colour
? 7 8 +3 -4
? 7 7 +5 -5
? 10 9 +5 -4
? 7 8 +5 -6
? 3 4 +6 -7
Well done!