The Detector Control System – FERO related issues Peter Chochula On behalf of DCS team
The DCS sub-systems Main role of the DCS is to assure safe operation of ALICE. To fulfill this task, it has to communicate with a large number of devices The DCS devices are logically grouped into several sub-systems which are operated separately and synchronized via FSM tools implemented in the SMI++ package Main DCS sub-systems are: High Voltage (HV) Low voltage (LV) Front-End and Readout Electronics (FERO) Gas Cooling Some detectors implement additional sub-systems such as laser control, etc. On top of this, the DCS communicates with LHC, Detector Safety System, external services … In this talk only issues related directly to FEE will be discussed Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
The DCS Architecture and its Place in ALICE Online Hierarchy The DCS is a strictly hierarchical online system, its synchronization with DAQ, TRG and HLT is achieved via the ECS There are no horizontal connections between online systems Efficient operation of ALICE sub-detectors depends on communication between online systems and this is strongly influenced by the FERO design ECS DCS DAQ/RC TRG HLT SPD SPD TPC … TPC . SPD TPC … LV LV HV HV FERO FERO Gas Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
The (simplified) DCS operation of a device Configuration Database Device Configuration Device Control (Regulation, switching, handling of alarms and exceptions…) Device Monitoring Archive Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
Two main groups of questions related to FERO need to be solved: How to access the electronics? How to operate the electronics? Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
How to access the devices Unlike the other online systems, the DCS communicates with wide range of different devices The nature as well as handling of acquired data differs from sub-system to sub-system There is no unique and standardized mechanism for accessing the DCS devices Profibus Ethernet JTAG EasyNet RS 232 VME CANbus Custom solutions… Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
Access to the DCS hardware The main operation tool of the DCS is a commercial SCADA system : PVSS-II The PVSS-II offers a limited set of tools for accessing the hardware. Native PVSS-II drivers are used where appropriate (e.g. for RS-232) The aim is to use a set of software interfaces, which will hide the complexity of the underlying hardware The ALICE DCS profits from (and contributes to) common developments between four LHC experiments – the JCOP project. The JCOP framework software package provides solutions for most standard devices (power supplies, ELMB based monitors, etc.) Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
The hardware access standards in the DCS – the OPC Most commercial devices are shipped with software based on the OPC industrial standard OPC client is integrated in PVSS The DCS team is testing OPC servers and provides feedback to manufacturers if needed Reports are regularly given at DCS workshops organized during the ALICE weeks Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
The main problem related to the FERO control in ALICE is caused by the fact, that different detectors are using different access strategies. The FERO of some sub-detectors is accessed exclusively via the DDL which belongs to the DAQ domain and is handled by the DAQ/RC Other architectures use a wide variety of access paths, which are handled by the DCS In principle we can group all ALICE sub-detectors into four architectural classes shown on the next slide Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
FERO Access Architectures Class B Control Monitoring FERO DDL Non-DDL Class A Control Monitoring DDL FERO Class C Class D Control Monitoring Control Monitoring Non-DDL Non-DDL FERO FERO Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
The hardware access standards in the DCS – the FED The ALICE FERO (and some additional devices like Arem-Pro power supplies) are not covered by JCOP developments Unfortunately the operation of this group of devices proves to be a very complicated one The Front-End Device (FED) concept for accessing this group of devices has been elaborated (see presentations on DCS workshops and TB in May 2004) The corresponding software architecture (called the FED Server) is based on DIM protocol, which is also integrated in the PVSS-II Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
Monitoring of all classes FED Architecture ECS Class B,C,D Control DAQ/RC DCS Class A+B Control DDL SW FED Client Monitoring of all classes FED DDL SW FED Server Control CPU Control CPU Profibus, JTAG, etc. DDL FERO Hardware Layer Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
Architecture of the FED Server (PVSS) DIM Client DIM Interface layer allows for communication with higher levels of software Software Client Commands & Data Services DIM server FED Server Application layer contains detector control and monitoring code (agents) Database CA1 CAi MA1 MAi Device driver(s) Hardware Hardware access layer contains device drivers Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
How to operate the FED The architecture of the FED server covers also some basic operational aspects Implemented commands allow for integration with the DCS The DCS handles cross-dependencies between sub-systems e.g. FERO configuration is pending until the LV becomes operational, this is dependent on cooling status etc. Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
Standard FED Operation Running Stop Run Configured Re - Configure Switch-Off Configuring Configure OFF Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
Additional (detector-specific) FED commands A number of FED Server commands is unique for sub-detectors E.g. JTAG chain verification in SPD Autocalibration… In close collaboration with DCS contact persons we try to identify these commands and propose solutions. In some cases only a very limited feedback is provided – this is mostly given by the fact that the software design has not reached the implementation phase yet. FED Server prototyping is very well advanced for some detectors (SPD, TPC, TRD, PHOS) and we are profiting very much from a very good collaboration with detector groups Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
FERO Device Monitoring Principle in DCS Sampling interval PVSS Alarm Limit Publishing deadband Value recorded In DCS Published value Acquired values PVSS Alarm Limit Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
FERO operation A number of questions still needs to be answered: What detector specific commands need to be implemented? How do we monitor and treat SEU ? What are the sub-system and system dependencies? (switching order….) What parameters need to be monitored and at what frequencies? What are the expected actions if some parameters are out of range? (sometimes is sufficient to record the anomaly in the archive, sometimes we can recover the settings, in some cases the run must be stopped…) In some cases the DCS is expected to monitor for example local trigger counters – what happens if these are out of range ? WHO and WHEN will starts the software developments on detector side, HOW and WHERE do we test the prototypes? Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
Typical problem requiring synchronization between online systems (Example – Class A device) VR Failure (e.g. due to SEU) ECS As a consequence the FERO gets mis-configured DCS TRG DAQ Recovery Action by DCS DCS informs the DAQ and TRG via ECS VR FERO DAQ reloads the FERO Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
Device Configuration and Archiving All configuration data is stored in online database Present implementation is based on Oracle Monitoring and alarm limits are read by PVSS and sent to the FED Servers FEE parameters (thresholds, mask matrices etc.) are read directly by FED Servers in order to minimize the amount of data passed through the PVSS-I All acquired data, alarms and errors are stored in DCS archive (Oracle) and displayed in PVSS panels Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
DCS Configuration Database System Static Configuration Configuration DB Device Static Configuration Common Solutions (FW devices only) Device Dynamic Configuration PVSS-II & underlying software FERO Static Configuration Alice Specific FERO Dynamic Configuration Hardware ALICE FERO Configuration will be shared between TRG,DAQ, DCS and ECS Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
DCS Archiving PVSS Present scheme Archive Archive Condition DB New scheme Archive Archive New archiving model will be introduced in PVSS-II v. 3 - release is scheduled for September 2004. Depending on its performance, the CondDB model could be dropped PVSS Archive ORACLE Database Condition DB Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
Configuration and Archiving Related Questions Again, there are questions to be answered: What are the configuration parameters and how are they used? (data size, loading sequence…) What are the requirements for data archival? Interface to offline, analysis procedures …? How are the configuration parameters obtained? Calibration procedures Data analysis Configuration database updates Who, when, where, how? The DCS team is presently testing the prototypes based on ORACLE. First results will be presented at coming DCS workshop Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004
Conclusions FERO access strategy has been developed Prototyping is proceeding well for SPD, HPMID, TPC, TRD and PHOS Operational requirements are being studied Feedback is essential: please make sure that the DCS-URD’s are updated DCS team is happy to help you DCS lab and its infrastructure are ready for testing the prototypes Many questions are still open, please inform us about the progress of developments and your plans Peter Chochula, ALICE workshop on radiation hard electronics, August 30, 2004