Pain analgesia system lec7
Pain Analgesia System
Pain Analgesia System
Hemi-section of Spinal cord Brown-Séquard syndrome: is when damage is towards one side of the spinal cord. This results in impaired or loss of movement to the injured side, but pain and temperature sensation may be preserved. The opposite side of injury will have normal movement, but pain and temperature sensation will be impaired or lost.
Brown-Séquard syndrome
Right-sided Hemisection of spinal cord at T12. Brown-Sequard Syndrome Right-sided Hemisection of spinal cord at T12.
Central Cord Syndrome: is when the damage is in the center of the spinal cord. This typically results in the loss of function in the arm. (Syringomyelia)
Interruption of the spinothalamic (anterolateral) fibers as they cross the midline in the anterior white commissure. Syringomyelia
Saddle loss of Pain & Temperature
Anterior Cord Syndrome: is when the damage is towards the front of the spinal cord, this can leave a person with the loss or impaired ability to sense pain, temperature sensations below their level of injury. Pressure and joint sensation may be preserved. It is possible for some people with this injury to later recover some movement.
Posterior Cord Syndrome: is when the damage is towards the back of the spinal cord. This type of injury may leave the person with good muscle power, pain and temperature sensation, however they may experience difficulty in coordinating movement of their limbs (Sensory ataxia) – Discussed before.