Initial Stock Analysis A brief look at AMZN and AMGN Feb 1, 2012 Andrew Hertzberg
AMZN-return Intra-day geometric returns were taken at 5-minute intervals
AMZN-RV The volatility actually realized in the market given in annualized form Contains contributions from jumps.
AMZN-BV The bipower variation actually realized in the market given in annualized form Does not contain contributions from jumps.
AMZN-Relative Contribution of Jumps The relative contribution of jumps calculated by comparing the measured values of RV and BV
AMZN-Vol Signature Plot The annualized volatility calculated at different sampling intervals.
AMGN-BV Signature Plot The annualized bipower variation calculated at different sampling intervals.
AMGN-return Intra-day geometric returns were taken at 5-minute intervals
AMGN-RV The volatility actually realized in the market given in annualized form Contains contributions from jumps.
AMGN-BV The bipower variation actually realized in the market given in annualized form Does not contain contributions from jumps.
AMGN-Relative Contribution of Jumps The relative contribution of jumps calculated by comparing the measured values of RV and BV
AMGN-RV and BV Signature Plots The annualized volatility calculated at different sampling intervals.
AMGN-BV Signature Plot The annualized bipower variation calculated at different sampling intervals.