IP prediagnosis for SMEs WIPO INSME July the 12th 2006


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Presentation transcript:

IP prediagnosis for SMEs WIPO INSME July the 12th 2006 Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

IP is becoming a major issue for SMEs Statement : unsufficient and uncomplete use of IP by many SMEs in France Impact : on competitiveness Reasons : SME’s management methods, lack of strategy, prejudices against IP : costs, complexity, efficiency Involvement : objective agreement 2005-2008, main priority = raising IP awareness among SMEs Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

« IP prediagnosis » = a practical implementation Linked with regional partnership agreements and with partners Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

Target companies : Target SMEs, i.e. companies with less than 250 employees Little or no experience of IP (particularly patents : no patent filed in the last five preceeding years) Involved in one field of technology Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

Aim Analysis of IP in its entirety, setting it in the general context of the Cy’s development and taking in consideration its future prospects and expansion IP = including confidentiality, contracts, watching over patent and trademark information Not a « technical » service neither a documentary search, nor a specific project’s analysis, nor the drafting of a contract Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

Presentation A customised service Prediagnosis report = usable according to the needs of the Cy and fitting it A genuine diagnosis of the current state of the Cy A prospective and comprehensive view, based on understanding the Cy’s targets and establishing advantages offered by IP in the Cy’s particular context and specific environment (emphasis on competitive advantages that can be created) Recommendations and concrete acting means of action Clear identification of available skills (resources, actors, costs, contacts) Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

Duration : 1.5 day including Presentation Duration : 1.5 day including preparation discussion with the company manager, vsit of the premises/ plant analysis and summary of the findings, draft of the report Final oral and paper delivery to the Cy This final phase = an ideal opportunity to discuss and expand on the action called for in the prediagnosis Costs : 1,500 €, completly free of charge for the Cy Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

Success factors Key to the success = creation of a pool of experts INPI members (Regional Action Department, Patents Department) A mandatory methodology training A methodology guide (created by a group of the first trainees) In a second time, recruitement of external experts : consultants, member from the ARISTs (specialised information and intelligence agencies of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry) Reports (external or INPI expert) are proofread by an INPI expert. Communication campaign General communication (web site, flyers) Networking : Regional Development Networks (« RDT »), Chambers of Commerce and Industry, French Innovation Agency (ANVAR) Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

Results (July 2006) Industry Services Commerce Number of diagnoses carried out 2004 2005 2006 270 464 500+ Benefitors : Number of employees : 1 to 20 20 to 50 > 50 74% 14% 11% Breakdown by sector of activity : Industry Services Commerce Others (food processing, building and works) 45% 34% 14% 7% Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

Confidentiality (an undertaking is signed by both parties) Difficulties As a new initiative, small adjustments were necessary to improve it. To be mentioned : Confidentiality (an undertaking is signed by both parties) Positioning clearly IP prediagnosis as an awareness raising tool, distinct from a further paied patent attorney’s work Paris area’s SMEs (Ile de France) are still under represented Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

Perception and impact Perception and impact : 92% satisfied or very satisfied 88% have a better understanding of the importance of IP for them 56% initiated actions * Representative sample of 100 Cies that benefited from the service in 2005 The satisfaction rate is quite the same for INPI or external facilitors Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

Will to attract more and more « big » SME’s (more than 10 employees) Conclusion Prediagnosis = an effective tool to promote IP and to help business expansion Stress on the competitivness poles (french clusters) recently organised / identified by the government Partnership seeked with Regional Councils and professional organisations Will to attract more and more « big » SME’s (more than 10 employees) Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch

Head of regional branch Thank you ____________ Antoine RETY INPI Lyon Head of regional branch 43 rue Raulin 69007 Lyon Tél : 04 37 27 11 37 Fax : 04 78 61 77 21 Mail : arety@inpi.fr Antoine RETY - INPI – Lyon - Head of regional branch