Progressive Reforms in Action Progressive Era Progressive Reforms in Action
Political Reforms As with business, Progressives seek to make government more efficient: LOCAL REFORM: Commission Governments: city gov’t run by a group of experts Council-Manager Government: City Council elected, then appoints an expert manager to run city – like a business. Reform Mayors: fight corruption, take utilities out of private corporation hands
Political Reforms Governors play a large role: Robert Lafollette STATE REFORMS Governors play a large role: Initiatives - bill can originate with people Robert Lafollette Reform governor of Wisconsin Referendum - public vote on initiative Worked to reform railroads and other big business/ keep them out of government Recall -voters can remove official before term is up Secret Ballot - protect voters
Political Reforms NATIONAL REFORMS 16TH Amendment – established income tax permanently (replaces tariff as largest income source) 17th Amendment – Direct election of Senators 18th Amendment – Prohibition of Alcohol (Volstead Act)
Women Fight for Equality The battle for equality continues: Women are active Progressives Female industrial workers push for changes in safety, economic equality Emergence of women’s colleges – more opportunity outside the home Suffrage is major issue – Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton lead the way Some states begin to grant suffrage. WY in 1869, CO, UT, and ID in 1890’s
Protecting Workers Many Progressive Reform efforts focus on protecting workers: 1896 – Illinois Factory Act prohibits child labor 1908 – Muller v. Oregon – 10 Hour workday for women 1916 – Keating-Owen Act bans shipment of goods manufactured by children across state lines
Other Progressive Reforms Educational- Growth of public education / high schools Standardization of medical / law schools Social Sciences as “science” Consumer- Building codes / zoning laws Insurance regulation Creation of FDA based on Sinclair’s book Pure Food and Drug Act Truth in Labeling