The Arrival Of Macedonia: Phillip II And Alexander The Great
The Northern Greeks: The Macedonians Kingdom of Macedonia was north of Greece Macedonians were considered barbaric and not worthy of Greek attention Macedonians had their own problems dealing with invasions from Europe and constant fighting amongst themselves
Phillip II 359 B.C. Phillip Of Macedonia assumes power Skilled politician and master of Greek warfare who seeks to exploit weaknesses of many Greek poleis He is skilled and daring enough to seize the entire Greek peleponese
Phillip II Army of Macedonia had many strengths Army was based on heavy and light cavalry supported by hoplite phalanxes Phalanx consisted of Greek soldiers in a tight formation of shields and long lances Macedonians breed for war
Phillip II Phillip of Macedonia controls Greece by 339 B.C. through conquest and by promising to remove Persian presence from Greece He assassinated before daughters wedding in 338 B.C. (alleged that Alexander had role in his death) Alexander assumes throne at 20 years of age
Alexander The Great Alexander is an experienced commander and determined to prove himself Calls for Greek troops but is ignored by Greek poleis Massacres the polis Thebes in 335 send a message His army swells with Greek troops who fear him
Alexander The Great Alexander invades Persia and at Battle of The Granicus 334B.C. defeats an army of 110,000 He moves into Egypt and is proclaimed pharaoh Builds the famous lighthouse of Alexandria Considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World
Alexander The Great: The Persian Conquest Alexander seeks to conqueror Babylon in 334 B.C. Persian Emperor Darius fails to stop the Greeks from moving into the heart of his kingdom 331 B.C. Battle of Issus Alexander crushes the Persian army led by Darius who flees the field of battle Darius is eventually killed by own troops to appease Alexander
Alexander The Great: The Persian Conquest Alexander conquerors the Persian empire and becomes infatuated with Persian life Convinced he is destined to conqueror the world He conquerors Afghanistan and Pakistan until he ventures into India past the Indus River Valley India proves to be more than a challenge
Alexander the Greats Victory at Hydaspes River, 326 B.C.
Alexander The Great: The Persian Conquest Alexander’s army refuses to go any further He seeks to punish his men by returning through the deserts of Pakistan and loses 50% of his men Returns to Babylon by 324 B.C. and seeks to merge the Greek and Persian empires into one
Alexander The Great: The Persian Conquest 323 B.C. Alexander seeks to cross into Arabia and beyond The Greek army is exhausted and on the brink of mutiny Alexander mysteriously dies before his plans are complete Death is a mystery
The Significance Of Alexander A magnificent general and leader whose accomplishments of war are still studied He helped spread Greek culture throughout the Middle East He built over 70 cities along trade routes using Greek style including bathes and gymnasiums which contribute to cultural exchange
The Significance Of Alexander Introduced the Hellenistic Age it was the mixture of Greek and Persian culture that produced new ideas on civilization This lead to the birth of cosmopolitan cities Shortcoming was that he was not concerned with ruling an empire