Chapter 13: Philosophical Research in Physical Activity SFM 651: Research Methods Dr. Johnson
What’s this all about Descriptive Prescriptive Reflection is critical
Logic Philosophy does not “literally measure anything, gather data, or collect p values” Relies more on logic and other reflective measures
Purpose Complex human problems can be solved via multiple collaborators Interdisciplinary Put the pieces of the puzzle together
Inquiry Objective Subjective Normative Producing universal knowledge that accurately describes reality Subjective Takes personal experiences and individual preferences seriously Normative Challenge, reinforces or applies the norms or standards of a culture
Range Metaphysics Axiology Epistemology Addresses the nature of things Addresses the value of things Epistemology Addresses securing knowledge and understanding of status
Expectations Low High Moderate Pessimistic Absolutism, realism Go beyond what is thought Moderate World is reasonably durable Objectivity and thoughtfulness are useless
Reasoning Inductive Deductive Descriptive Moves from observations of a few samples to a statement of general conclusions Deductive Moves from general claims to particular conclusions Descriptive Describes lived experiences and relies on descriptions of observations
Speculation Critical reasoning Claims about subjects that are significant to humans, but can not be forcefully defended Critical reasoning Activity intended to show reasoning errors, faulty claims and misplaced beliefs