Developing World Section Quiz Handout Pre-Class Developing World Section Quiz Handout
The Developing World
Use pages 37-42
New Trade Patterns Developing nations SELL: cash crops, raw materials, mineral resources Imperialist nations (Industrial): import (BUY) raw materials from developing countries and sold manufactured goods back = economic dependence
New Trade Patterns Developing nations export cash crops and import manufactured goods After Independence Problems: Still ties to former ruler, single crop economy dependent on imported manufactured goods because not a modern economy
Goals of Modernization: political stability economic diversity = agriculture & industry Tariff: tax on imported goods Privatization: selling state owned industry to individuals Education and training Improve Services infrastructure: public services or systems Modernization: Changes in a nation that enable it to set up a stable government and produce a high level of goods and services – to improve standard of living
Debt Crisis: less developed countries borrowed money to modernize and can’t pay it back
Problems of Developing Nations: population explosion causes urbanization – high population density Political Instability Civil unrest, dictators, artificial country boarders Strains on the Government cultural change gap between modernized and developing countries
Artificial Boundaries
Crash Course: Globalization – Upside Globalization – Good or Bad 2 videos
Developing World Section Quiz A B 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. C