Yves BROSSEAUD Ingénieur ENSAIS – directeur de recherche au LCPC Michèle SAINT JACQUES Professeur – directeur Département de génie de la construction – ETS Canada Christine LEROY Ingénieur Ville de Paris Infra 2007 – Laval 5-7 novembre 2007 Les matériaux bitumineux tièdes arrivent en ville : premières applications dasphaltes et enrobés tièdes en ville de Paris. ESG-10 at 160°C ESG-10 at 130°C
Y.B. 2 Warm Mix Asphalt in the capital of Paris
Y.B. 3 Some data from Paris: km length of ways m² of roadways & m² for BP m² of side walks & m² for BP inhabitants km of cables for electricity km of conduits of gas km of various drains: drainage,air-conditioning, district heating openings of excavations per annum
Y.B. 4 Surface layers : actual overview
Y.B. 5 Surface layers : actual overview Mastic Asphalt 250°C – 482°F Hot Mix Asphalt 150°C – 300°F Mastic Asphalt 200°C – 380°F Warm Mix Asphalt <120°C – 240°F
Y.B. 6 The Parisian inhabitants are more and more worried about bitumen fume for their own health and the workers too.
Y.B. 7 Terminology WMA Cold asphalt °C Kg/T Warm asphalt Hot mix asphalt HEATING VAPORIzATION DRYING Semi-warm asphalt Latent heat vaporization of water : 537 kcal/kg 250°C Mastic asphalt
Y.B. 8 Hot coating phase (reminder) Aggregate-bitumen interface conditions (decreasing of tension surface) to get a durable and efficiency coating by using effect temperature. Aggregates : dried and heating at > 160°C Bitumen : sufficient fluidity Coating viscosity < 150 cSt Temperatures > 120 at 170°C (depending nature of bitumen)
Y.B. 9 Whats look for WMA? Advantages: Reduction of energy consumption Less pollution, concerning People (workers, users, bordering the road) Environment conditions Decreasing of bitumen ageing during production Less wear on mixing plant WITH the same performances as hot mixes Continue coating, final properties just after placement
Y.B. 10 WMA principles (1) Coating in another way to get: totally and uniformity coating binder without fluxing or expectorant agents of fossil origin nominal and final properties after placement reducing the production and compaction temperature control the binder viscosity during whole placement duration
Y.B. 11 Spray and disperse the bitumen around all the aggregates: 1)Effect of plasticizing the bitumen by additives, stable at raodway service temperatures, 2)Combination effect of soup, foaming, emulsion by a good control of the water coating phase, and preserving this effect during placement 3)Effect of double coating 4)Effect of lubrication with lower viscosity, due to additive Effect of the specific properties of binders, like synthesis binders of vegetable origin, or by re-heating cold mixing in special drum. WMA principles (2)
Y.B. 12 Bitumen with «plasticizing» Hot aggregates 130°C+ Bitumen + Wax or Paraffin Hot aggregates 130°C + Special binder (specific production) WMA : the principles Paraffin : Sasobit® (waxes with low molecular weight) [Germany] Other plasticizing agent introduce in the bitumen Ajouts autres «plastifiants» dans le bitume (special binder produce in factory): Processes 3E Enrobés écologiques économesLT [COLAS] ECOFLEX [SCREG] 1 – Lower the binder viscosity during coating by the modification of the consistency of bitumen Sasobit® (SASOL) : paraffin (wax) soluble at 115°C in the bitumen (coating at 130°C)
Y.B. 13 Foaming at warm temperature with additives Aggregates at 130°C + Zéolithes + Bitumen Zéolithe : Aspha-min®, [EUROVIA] 2 – coating with «expensed» bitumen disseminated in hot mineral aggregates Zéolithe (crystals of hydrated aluminosilicate) Releases its crystallized water at 115°C, Producing vapors, foam, Promoting coating and workability. Temperature reduction 30°C, idem formula WMA : the principles
Y.B. 14 Foaming at warm temp. without additives (except foaming or adhesion agent) aggregates at 95°C + Water + Bitumen coarse aggregates at 170°C+ Bitumen + Damp sand at ambient temp. Sequential coating (water kept or added) : ® process EBE ® Enrobé Basse Energie (adhesion agent) [FAIRCO] ® Process EBT ® Enrobé Basse Température - [Eiffage TP] ® LEA ® Low Energy Asphalt (USA) – idem EBE – EBT [LEA-co] 2 – use the coating principle by the bitumen «expanded» disseminated in the hot mineral skeleton Use the residual humidity of sand : EBE ® - LEA * : Sand with controlled humidity (coating at 90°C) EBT ® - LEA * : Damp sand or partially dried (coating at 95°C) WMA: the principles
Y.B. 15 Gravel totally coating by bitumen. Thick bitumen film around grain PHASE 2 Humidity sand create an expansion of bitumen around gravels PHASE 3 expansion make the coating - increasing temperature of sand easier 100°C PHASE 4 Good thermal equilibrium : between mineral skeleton, residual water and bitumen, to keep a sufficient workability. 60°C PHASE 5 Hot bitumen + adhesion agent Aggregates dry and hot 120°/150°C170°C PHASE 1 ® EBE ® (enrobés basse énergie) - principle One example
Y.B. 16 Traditional HAM Total drying 180°C coating 160°C storage °C placement °C filler added bitumen 160°C E.B.T. ® (2 patents) filler added Binder + additive 160°C additifs H2OH2O Partial drying °C coating 95°C storage 95°C placement 70-95°C 0.2%<W résidual <0.6% EBT: principle
Y.B. 17 Wam Double coating + foaming Hot aggragates 130°C+ soft Bitumen + hard foaming bitumen Double coating with foaming bitumen : WAM - Foam® (warm Asphalt mix foam) [SHELL] 3E DM sequential coating + foam [COLAS] LT asphalt hydroscopic filler + foam bitumen [Nynas] [Netherland –It.] 3 – Sequential coating : Foaming at warm temperature WAM : the principles
Y.B. 18 Sequential coating Aggregates at 130°C+ hard bitumen + soft bitumen Sequential coating : process 3E DB enrobage Séquentiel bitume [COLAS] 3 – Sequential coating : 2 grades of bitumen Principle of processess 3E Dry aggregates + sequential coating or special bitumen Process 3E «DB» Advantages: Low temperature : less 40°C at producing, Use of traditional mixing plant without modifications, Keep the physico-mechanical qualities of AM WMA : the principles
Y.B. 19 Technique Name Company Principle of manufacture Addition in mixer ASPHA-MIN EUROVIA Hot skeleton (130°C) + zeolites + bitumen Special bitumen 3E – LT ECOFLEX COLAS Group SCREG Hot skeleton (130°C) + special bitumen (ready to use) Special binder VEGECOL COLAS Group Hot skeleton (130°C) + synthesis binder of origin plant Double coating 3E - DM COLAS Group Hot skeleton (130°C) + soft bitumen + foamed bitumen Sequential coating 3E - DB COLAS Group Hot skeleton (130°C) + soft bitumen + hard bitumen Sequential coating EBB (LEA) – mixes low energy FAIRCO Hot fine gravels (150°C) n+ bitumen + wet sand (20°C) Sequential coating EBT (LEA) – mixes low temperature EIFFAGE TP Partially heated skeleton (95°C)+ bitumen or Hot fine gravels (150°C) + bitumen + wet sand (20°C)
Y.B. 20 1st test in 1993 : Rue St Maur – Paris 10ème SMAC ACIEROID Mastic Asphalt 0/10 for road ways laying with a finisher at 210°C – 400°F First improvements for mastic asphalt.
Y.B. 21 First improvements for mastic asphalt. Other tests were realized with almost of Parisian mastic asphalt laying contractors: Rue de Panama – SPAPA (ASTEN) 1994 Rue de Javel – SMAC ACIEROID 1995 Rue Léon – SPAPA (ASTEN) 1994 Rue de Suez – SPAPA (ASTEN) 1994 Rue Bellot - EUROVIA 2002 Mastic Asphalt 0/10 for road ways laying with a finisher at 200°C or 180°C – 380°F or 350°F
Y.B. 22 SMAC ACIEROID has a new patented process « NEOPHALTE LOW TEMPERATURE »® Work site in 2004 – Rue de Courty – Paris 7 ème Laying temperature : 150 °C – 300 °F
Y.B. 23 Today - Rue de Courty
Y.B. 24 Since 2004, Paris City Municipality Roads Department decided to test each new process suggested by HMA laying contractors : new supplies voted for innovation technical studies of WMA proposed by contractors choice of work sites realization of test strips following up by the Municipal Laboratory for testing materials …
Y.B. 25 Since 2004, Paris City Municipality Roads Department decided to test each new process suggested by HMA laying contractors : ASPHAMIN – EUROVIA in 2004, July – Bd Fort de Vaux (BBM 0/10) EBE – FAIRCO in 2006, March – Rue du Fbg Montmartre (BBM 0/10) COL-3E – COLAS in 2006, April – Rue de Lyon (busway BBM 0/10), Route de la Ferme (Coloured layer BBM 0/10), Rue des Ardennes (BBTM 0/6) EBT – APPIA in 2006, June – Rue Cortambert (BBM 0/10) ECOFLEX – SCREG in 2006, May – Rue Chalgrin (BBM 0/10) ECOLASTIC – SCREG in 2007, February – Rue Franco-Russe (BBM 0/10) …
Y.B. 26 In 2004, July 1st test realized with WMA from Eurovia. Thin asphalt concrete (BBM 0/10) « RUGOVIA » laying by night at 115°C- 230°F Bd Fort-de-Vaux – Paris 17ème EJL Paris Agency
Y.B. 27
Y.B. 28 Today – Bd Fort de Vaux
Y.B. 29 In 2006 (March), a test realized with WMA from Fairco and Linea BTP. Thin asphalt concrete (BBM 0/10) « EBE 0/10 » laying by night at 75°C- 167°F Rue du Faubourg Montmartre – Paris 9ème – Fairco/Linea BTP
Y.B. 30 Rue Franco-Russe – Paris 7ème Screg IDFN Agency Thin asphalt concrete (BBM 0/10) « ECOLASTIC » laying at 120°C- 248°F
Y.B. 31
Y.B. 32 In 2006 (april) test realized with WMA from COLAS. Very Thin asphalt concrete (BBTM 0/6) « COL-3E » laying at 120°C- 248°F Rue des Ardennes – Paris 19ème Colas Paris Bonneuil Agency
Y.B. 33 Today – Rue des Ardennes
Y.B. 34 Rue de Lyon – Paris 12ème (Busway) Colas Paris Bonneuil Agency Thin asphalt concrete (BBM 0/10) « COL-3E » laying at 120°C- 248°F
Y.B. 35 Sustainable development is becoming a political aim
Y.B. 36 Situation today: evolutions and applications of WMA developed in France Studies and researches : 2000 – 2003 Experimentations : 2002 – 2005 Industrialization : Applications (many job sites) Zéolithe : t (France 75%, Germany, Canada, US) EBT : 5 à t EBE : t (France, expérimentations USA) E _ ECOFLEX : t Ecomac : some experimentations Wam Foam : some experimentations (italy) Végécol : some experimentations
Y.B. 37 The preservation of road infrastructures with tacking into account the environmental requirements it is possible today, so why wait tomorrow even if there are some observations and researches to do! MERCI DE VOTRE ATTENTION