Juniemar D. Montera Conservation fellow RARE PRIDE CAMPAIGN SITE (Dapia Marine Sanctuary) The Island..A Garden..A City… Juniemar D. Montera Conservation fellow
agenda My site The Challenges/threats My Target audience Solution to the Threat My LAP team
Ecological Importance DAPIA MARINE SANCTUARY My Site Ecological Importance An Urban Center in a Garden Setting 9 species of sea- grass out of 15 found in the Philippines Municipal water is 3 times larger than its land area 1/3 of Davao Gulf Municipal water is with in the territory of IGACOS 53 species of coral species out 73 corals species found in the Philippines
CommunityAwareness Habitat destruction Intrusion to the core zone Challenges/threats Fishers are just waiting authorities to come and apprehend the intruder to their MPA Low in Fish density Habitat destruction Intrusion to the core zone CommunityAwareness
Villagers living Adjacent to the MPA TARGET AUDIENCE Villagers living Adjacent to the MPA
Continuous education MPA Networking Budget (in kind resources) CAMPAIGN’S SOLUTION Continuous education Infrastructure support (guard house, marker buoy, billboard) Strengthen/empower MPA management committee i.e - Law enforcement committee Budget (in kind resources) MPA Networking
Mydreamteam Hon. Aniano P. Antalan, Local Chief Excutive Brgy. Council of Sta. Cruz, LGU-Samal, Provincial Government, DENR, DA-BFAR, F.O, BFARMC, DEP.ED Hon. Aniano P. Antalan, Local Chief Excutive Jemelita Camaso, Supervisor
One of the inspiration to our Pride campaign is the true story of “Princess Dapia”