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Rare: Micronesia Program
Reduced runoff/siltation Program Framework + Social marketing Enabling Environment Conservation Results Social Results Terrestrial Campaigns Knowledge/support for erosion mitigation and low impact development and construction techniques Technical training, communities adopting erosion control, reduced clearing Forest, mangrove cover increases , sediment decreases Sustainable livelihoods, increased long term productivity Linkages Local leaders/Elders Technical partners Reduced runoff/siltation Greater security Marine Campaigns Knowledge and support for traditional/formal MPAs/zoning, MPAs as fisheries tools Management capacity improved, improved enforcement Biomass and biodiversity increase on the reef Increased fishing yield Climate change impact Social resilience Ecosystem resilience
Rare Micronesia Program: Key Components
Community Ownership and Support Tapping into local and traditional sources of Pride Strengthening traditional/customary management and ownership Creating tangible symbols/brand for the community to rally around
“Barrier Removal”—Capacity and Institutional Gaps Level 5: Institutionalized Management body has capacity for fund sourcing from local and external sources Performance M and E linked to incentive system Level 4: Sustained Management body capable to run MPA independently Supervises/facilitates management activities (enforcement, budgeting and financial management, M an d E, IEC, etc. Level 3: Enforced Management body active and supported by legal instrument Prepares annual operational plan Implements management plan including enforcement and monitoring Manages resolution of conflicts Level 2: Established Management body formed and functional Composition of management group and committees identified Roles and responsibilities clarified and accepted Initial meetings conducted Level 1: Initiated Management body membership tentatively determined Starting to conduct regular meetings with proper documentation
Local Enforcement System and Capacity Leveraging traditional enforcement and ownership norms Providing tools/skills/organization to community groups to set up workable enforcement and governance mechanisms Forging alliances between local communities and government agencies, reinforcing local ownership
Fisheries Tools & Management Taking protected areas to the next level Strengthening design of MPAs as fisheries tools Building/reinforcing local ownership and capacity
Terrestrial Threats Identifying key terrestrial threats through community mobilization Demonstrating best practices (erosion control) and building capacity to implement/enforce such practices Codifying best practices
Monitoring for Impact Adaptive management—changing course if results show an action is not having an impact Proof of product with communities and incentive for behavior change Annual/biannual biophysical surveys and household socioeconomic surveys
Needed Policy Reform Leveraging on the ground momentum to push for needed local/national policy reform Putting in place needed enabling environment for long term, sustained change Devolution/enforcement of local ownership Kosrae: mangrove zoning to balance community needs and ecosystem services
Access to Markets/Economic Incentives Ensuring not just conservation, but also economic returns of the program Building value of existing product Identification of existing markets/products with increased earning potential Ensuring appropriateness of intervention
Regional and Global initiatives Regional/National Networks Key to Success: Partnerships SPREP/SPC Univer-sities Multi-laterals National NGOs Local Govt’s Micronesia Challenge Local NGOs LOCAL NATIONAL REGIONAL and GLOBAL Int’l NGOs These are the kinds of partners we will be working with National Govt Technical partners Bilateral Regional and Global initiatives Regional/National Networks 13
Enter Title of Presentation Here Rare Pacific Program Matthew Lutkenhouse, Senior Director mlutkenhouse@rare.org Cristina Canlas, Social Marketing & Communications Specialist ccanlas@rare.org Rare Confidential