Information? “An assemblage of data in a comprehensible form capable of communication” – Harrod’s Librarian’s Glossary and Reference Book, 7th ed., 1990. “Information is knowledge communicated concerning some particular fact, subject or event” - Oxford English Dictionary. “Information is data recorded, organized, related or interpreted within context to convey meaning” – S.C.Blumenthal in ‘Management Information Systems’, 1969
Communication… The word ‘Communication’ originated from Latin word ‘Communis’ meaning ‘Common’. “Communication is imparting, conveying or exchanging of ideas and knowledge whether by speech, writing or signs” – Oxford English Dictionary. “Communication is the transfer of thoughts and message as contrasted with transportation of goods and persons” – Columbia Encyclopedia of Communication.
Information Technology The two revolutions - in computers and communications transformed the computers synonymous to Information Technology. The rapid developments in Information Technology brought revolutionary changes in information processing, storage, dissemination and distribution and became a key ingredient in bringing-up great changes in over all aspects of society.
Information & communication Technology The ease of communication along with the Internet, has brought a paradigm shift in information usage from the need to know basis – information available when and where you need it. Digital publishing technologies and global networking have given rise to the development of a wide variety of digital libraries. of interest to the scholarly community.
Information & communication Technology “Ten years ago we saw the convergence of the human-readable Web with increased connectivity. Now we are seeing communicating applications and more pervasive, broadband connectivity. The world is flatter because computing and communications is more pervasive of our working and learning lives: we create, share and use digital content and services”. Dempsey, Lorcan. (2006). Ariadne Issue 46 at
Users Attitudes Users are broadly into two categories: Users – Information seeking & Techno savvy “In a flat networked world, where data and content flow more freely, much of what might have happened in library is pushed out into network user environment.” Dempsey Lorcan, 2006. Users – Not aware of technology Users information seeking attitudes differs based on their competencies.
Challenges & Opportunities Information Literacy The purpose of IL is to develop sense-making ability among the stake holders. Though Information literacy has broader perspectives and wider applications, it embraces related concepts like user education library instruction bibliographic instruction library research
To conclude……. An incredible fast progress in information and communication technologies are transforming the information handling and seeking habits of both librarians and users. Inspite of the initiatives taken by INFLIBNET, NISCAIR, NIC and Refreshers courses provided by universities, more such kind of training programmes are to be conducted both to the library and information professionals as well as to the users.
To conclude……. “Training influences perception, attitude and opinion about the information conveyed. Course curriculum for LIS should be revised with emphasis on development of the soft skills as core competencies.” Vogt, Hannelore., et al., (2008). “Branding and Marketing for Changing the Image of Libraries in India”. In Executive Summary Workshop Results Emerging from the International Seminar- Libraries on the Agenda!”, March 13 & 14, 2008, edited by Daum, Marilen and Seth, Renu. Pp 7-8
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