Document reference, if any Ag.No. 4 Context Working Group on Articles 64 and 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 21+22 March 2018
Content of this presentation STAFF EU staff numbers at 31.12.2017 per Pension Scheme database and Commission "keycard" Geographical origin of EU permanent staff at 31.12.2015 per EP research brief January 2016 Distribution of contract agents at 31.12.2017 Distribution of EEAS staff at 31.12.2015 per annual report OTHER CONTEXT New European Statistics Code of Practice New Eurostat manuals on indicators Annual Pension Contribution Rate report 2
EU staff numbers Place Comm. 1 % Brussels 21 150 85.0 74.0 65.1 85.0 74.0 65.1 Luxembourg 3 728 15.0 13.3 11.7 Subtotal 24 878 100.0 87.3 76.8 Other EU 3 334 - 12.7 11.2 28 212 - 100.0 87.9 Non-EU 4 018 - - 12.1 Total 32 230 - - 100.0 All inst. 2 % 35 229 82.9 60.1 7 250 17.1 12.4 42 479 100.0 72.5 16 086 - 27.5 - 58 565 - 100.0 Notes 1 Actual staff @ 1.1.2018 per "Statistics Bulletin", European Commission only (NB. includes local staff, seconded national staff, contract agents, permanent) 2 Actual staff @ 1.7.2016 (ie. 31.12.2015) per PSEO database, all institutions except EIB+ECB. (NB. excludes local staff, seconded national staff, contract agents, permanent) 3
Commission permanent staff origin Source: EP research brief January 2016 Higher % staff than national population Lower % staff than national population 4
7,161 Commission contract agents 1.1.2018 Place No BE 4,319 LU 512 IT 776 ES 203 NL 100 DE 49 UK 24 PL 23 FR 20 EL 18 Place No IE 15 HU 13 CZ RO SK FI 12 BG CY HR 11 AT 10 Place No PT 9 LT SE SI EE DK 7 MT 6 LV Extra-EU 929 + similar number in other institutions + 2,500 EEAS "others"
Distribution of EEAS staff 31.12.2015 Source: HR report DEL TOTAL: 5,501 EEAS: 1,998 36% COM: 3,533 64% 6
Further information: statistical bulletin (New internet address…) 7
Update of European Statistics Code of Practice (CoP) Previous CoP version in force: 2011 Explicit application to A6465 work since Jan. 2015 New CoP version adopted: 2017 Minor changes: preamble – replace "vision" with more general text new principle 1bis = coordination and cooperation expand 11.1 to highlight innovative solutions Keeps commitment to impartiality and quality
Eurostat manuals of (partial) relevance 3-part manual on indicator design 2014 Indicator typologies and terminologies 2017(a) Communicating through indicators 2017(b) Relevance of indicators for policy-making One-off publication 2017 Handbook on rapid estimates
Another Eurostat publication to note 2018 Handbook on compilation of statistics on illegal activities …may affect GDP statistics (A65) …may affect ECP and HICP statistics (A64) …may affect expenditure statistics (A64)
Pension Contribution Rate Unit C3 colleagues (Pensions Team) Annual working group (A83WG) Annual review of methodology Defined benefit scheme, accrual rate 2% pa. Funded 1/3 staff, 2/3 employer Annual calculation: report in September Staff contribution rate per 2017 report: 9.8%
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