2/24/2019 Essential exposure: Raising the profile of the library through involvement in essential skills training by e-learning Pauline Blagden & Eve Troise 20 July 2010
Outline of the presentation 2/24/2019 Page 2 Outline of the presentation The S & M problem in the Trust Why the library got involved The solution Where we are now Successes And further challenges
2/24/2019 The problem All NHS staff have to complete essential training to comply with NHS Litigation Authority requirements Compliance in Portsmouth was low The Trust Board demanded improvements
2/24/2019 Peter Maunder, Essential Training Programme Manager explains about e-MOTs in Portsmouth Contact Pauline.blagden@porthosp.nhs.uk if you would like to view this file (10.1MB)
Why the library got involved 2/24/2019 Why the library got involved Being corporate Raising our profile Could offer useful skills Accommodation ‘New role’ Being seen to be aligned with Trust goals and priorities, part of Learning and Development Department Marketing is such hard work Customer care and familiarity with IT Were about to move into new library – happened in summer 2009 – IT training area with 14 computers, another 14 in the library itself and network points for laptops Extension of current role – traditional work declining
2/24/2019 The solution Funding from NESC early in 2008 following a successful bid Development of e-learning packages using Articulate on Moodle platform Trust induction E-MOTs for refresher training NESC = NHS Education South Central £142,477
Peter Maunder tells you more about Trust induction 2/24/2019 Peter Maunder tells you more about Trust induction Contact Pauline.blagden@porthosp.nhs.uk if you would like to view this file (17.1MB)
And this is what it looks like ..... 2/24/2019 And this is what it looks like ..... Screen shots Library environment and customer views
Eve Troise, Library Assistant Learning Support outlines her role 2/24/2019 Eve Troise, Library Assistant Learning Support outlines her role Contact Pauline.blagden@porthosp.nhs.uk if you would like to view this file (24.1MB)
Successes All new staff now do Trust induction 2/24/2019 Successes All new staff now do Trust induction Trust induction being rolled out to Carillion staff and volunteers These people come to the library Library Assistant Learning Support gives face to face and telephone support Compliance improved Cost effective solution Generally positive feedback E-learning includes assessment Need stats for compliance and cost effectiveness
Further challenges Maintaining the momentum Updating the courses 2/24/2019 Further challenges Maintaining the momentum Updating the courses Shifting sands – pressure to include more Technical issues eg slow network speeds, Technical changes notably Atlantic Link, OLME Learning Essential skills not very sexy Elearning much quicker than the old f2f induction which was packed
2/24/2019 And for the library Developing the role of the Library Assistant Learning Support Increasing involvement of more library staff in e-learning Capitalising on the marketing opportunity Thinking strategically about e-learning beyond essential skills, should we be involved and if so how? Information literacy