Levels of Classification Domain Eukaryota, Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order Primate, Family Hominidae, Genus Homo, Species sapiens Homo sapiens
Domain A domain is a group of kingdoms with similar characteristics Domain: Eukaryota
Levels of Classification Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Dominant King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti Have students come up with their own in groups of 3 or 4 students in 3-5 minutes and share them with the class.
Domain Domain is the broadest classification level. All share the same type of chemical reactions in their cells. Domain Eukaryota Eukariotic – with nucleus
Kingdom Kingdom is the next broadest of the levels of classification. They all share some general characteristics. Kingdom Animalia Multicellular Eukariotic Hetertrophic No Cell Walls
Phylum Kingdoms are split into phyla. Each phylum includes some of the species in the kingdom. Phylum chordata A stiff rod, notochord that serves as a backbone. Gill pouches early in development. Dorsal nerve cord.
Class Phyla are split into classes Each class includes some of the species in the phylum. Class mammalia Hair Young nourished with milk
Order Classes are split into orders Each order includes some of the species from the class. Order carnivora Flesh eating animals. Teeth adapted for tearing skin and meat.
Family Orders are split into families Each family includes some of the species from the order. Family felidae Short, rounded skull Retractable claws Whiskers Horny tongue
Genus Each family is split into genera. Each genera includes some of the species from the family. Genus Panthera Roaring cats Large size
Species Each genus is split into species. Each species is an interbreeding group of individuals with similar characteristics. Species tigris Panthera tigris Striped Largest cat species Etc.
Domains Eukaryota Archaea – Bacteria Largely based on comparative biochemistry but also Eukaryota eukaryotic, nucleus Archaea – prokaryotic, extreme environments or maybe also everywhere Bacteria everywhere
Nested Hierarchy Each level of classification includes multiple groups in the level below. Except species