Mayan mathematics Looking at these charts of Mayan numbers and Roman Numerals come up with at least three comparison that you see between the two. Be prepared to discuss your comparisons. Roman Numerals Mayan numbers
Worlds Apart: Oceania
The Societies of Oceania Nomadic foragers of Australia Virtually unchanged culture No agriculture New Guinea Swine herding, root cultivation c. 5000 BCE Small-scale trade of surplus food, some goods oyster shells, spears, boomerangs
The Development of Pacific Island Societies Established in early centuries BCE Trade between island groups Long-distance voyaging once in a while
Aborigine with Boomerang
Population Growth Extensive cultivation of root vegetables Fishing innovations Population density leads to social strife, economic issues C. 1500 CE fierce fighting, cannibalism
Development of Social Classes Complexity of population leads to distinct classes High chiefs, lesser chiefs, commoners, artisans, peasants Small multi-island empires form