Navy Reserve Canvasser Recruiter Program ‘Keys to Success’ 17 OCT 2012
Canvasser Recruiter Program Keys To Success PURPOSE The Navy Reserve Canvasser Recruiter (CANREC) program is designed primarily as a temporary recall recruiter program. Reservists accepted in the CANREC program will be issued recall orders for an initial period of 2 years.
Canvasser Recruiter Program Keys To Success Eligibility Personnel must meet the following criteria: Have a valid driver’s license Reside within 50 miles of their assigned billet prior to executing orders Must be under contract within the following programs: Selected Reserve Inactive Ready Reserve Active personnel within 90 days prior to their End of Active Obligated Service
Canvasser Recruiter Program Keys To Success Additional Requirements Must meet physical accession requirements for recall to active duty. Enlisted must be able to complete 20 years of active duty service prior to age 60. Enlisted applicants must be paygrade E4 or E6 at time of recall. Officer applicants must be in the grade of lieutenant or below.
Canvasser Recruiter Program Keys To Success Disqualifying Factors The following will be denied, applicants who: will reach 16 years of active service or High Year Tenure during their 2-year recall have a record of Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP) in the last 3 years. have any marks of 2.0 or lower on their last three evaluations or fitness reports. have a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) conviction.
Canvasser Recruiter Program Keys To Success Application Process Applications for initial recall shall be submitted to PERS-92 via Navy Recruiting Command, Navy Recruiting Region and Navy Recruiting District using the applicable format provided in enclosures (1) and (2) of BUPERSINST 1001.40B. PERS-92 will process applications within 30 days of receipt. Reservists accepted in the CANREC program will be issued recall orders for an initial period of 2 years.
Canvasser Recruiter Program Keys To Success Enlisted Advancement Compete for advancement in a single competitive category (Navy Reserve CANREC) rather than rating. E6 and below participate in active duty rating examinations. Officer Promotion Compete for promotion in their Ready Reserve designator and competitive category against their Ready Reserve contemporaries.
Canvasser Recruiter Program Keys To Success Continuation of Orders Continuation of service can be requested after the initial 2 year orders. NRDs will submit continuation or non-continuation recommendations to PERS-92. Continuation orders are issued for a period not to exceed 3 years. Proven CANREC personnel who demonstrate career potential may apply for conversion to FTS in the Navy Reserve Career Recruiting Force (enlisted) or Fleet Support designator (officer).
Canvasser Recruiter Program Keys to Success PROGRAM GUIDANCE BUPERS INSTRUCTION 1001.40B