recluse (noun) – someone who lives in seclusion, isolation (adj.) – recluse reclusive The recluse man did not have many friends because he lived alone and was not very sociable. (adj.) The recluse lived by himself and had no contact with his family. (noun) Synonyms: isolated, secluded, alone, solitude, solitary, introvert Antonyms: open, social, involved, active, extrovert
Reconcile (=again) (=together) (verb) – to settle a problem (n.) - reconciliation The child tried to reconcile the problems he had with his step mother by apologizing for what he did wrong. Antonyms: exacerbate, detrimental, instigate, provoke Synonyms: solve, rectify, mitigate, make up
redundant (n.) - redundancy (adj.) – characterized by unnecessary repetition of words or ideas (n.) - redundancy The essay had many redundant statements, saying the same thing over and over again. Synonyms: Repetition, repeat, surplus, superfluous, unnecessary Antonyms: Once, necessary, required, needed, taciturn
reiteration Examples: (noun) – saying or doing something repeatedly (verb) - reiterate Examples: The teacher reiterated the directions numerous times for everyone to understand them. The people were annoyed because of the man’s constant reiteration of the events of 9/11. Synonyms: Redundant, repeat, trite
Empty, unfulfilled, unsatisfied replete (adj.) – full of with food or drink, satiated She delivered a speech replete with sentimentality, so everybody started to weep. Antonyms: Empty, unfulfilled, unsatisfied Synonyms: Binge, satisfy, hoard
renounce (verb) – to give up or to put aside In 1936, King Edward VIII renounced his throne, so he could marry Wallis Simpson. King George VI took his place. Synonyms: to give up