Sensory Unit Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
POWERPOINT JEOPARDY The Eye The Ear Taste Smell Touch 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50
The sense of sight is classified by what type of receptor? – 10 Points
This layer prevents the scattering of incoming light rays. – 20 Points
The blind spot of the eye is called what? – 30 Points
The part of the eye with the highest concentration of cones is what? – 40 Points
Where does the visual pathway begin and end? – 50 Points
The sense of hearing and balance can be classified with what type of receptors? – 10 Points
The specific organ of hearing is called what? – 20 Points
This fluid is located in the bony labyrinth in the inner ear. – 30 Points
This fluid is found in the cochlea and semicircular canals. – 40 Points
True or false: The sense of balance occurs in the vestibule AND the semicircular canals? – 50 Points
The sense of taste is classified by what type of receptors? – 10 Points
The cells responsible for the sense of taste are called what? – 20 Points
Name the MAIN four taste sensations. – 30 Points
What is the fifth taste sensation that was discovered? – 40 Points
True or False: The sensation of taste and perception of taste occur in different parts of the body. – 50 Points
The sense of smell is classified by what type of receptors? – 10 Points
Olfactory receptors do NOT assist with the sense of taste. True or False: Olfactory receptors do NOT assist with the sense of taste. – 20 Points
True or False: The sense of smell is sensitive, easily adapted, and can respond to chemicals dissolved in water. – 30 Points
Chemicals must be dissolved in this in order for olfactory receptors to be able to sense these chemicals. – 40 Points
The sense of smell is able to stimulate vivid memories because the olfactory tract passes through this part of the brain. – 50 Points
The sense of feeling and touch comes from what type of sense organ…special or general? – 10 Points
Two categories of receptors in the sense of feeling. – 20 Points
Free nerve endings in the skin respond to what type of stimulus? – 30 Points
General sense organs are found in the highest concentration on this organ. – 40 Points
The golgi tendon receptors and muscle spindles are classified as what type of receptors? – 50 Points