Helping your child at home Oaklands junior school
rationale Feedback from parents’ evening Increasing emphasis on the relationship between home and school A need to ensure the fundamental skills are mastered You can make a fundamental difference in your child’s progress and achievement
english 3 R’s. Reading age Vs writing age. Stages of reading: phonics & decoding; reading mileage; less is more. 4 types of questions to use: literal, inference, evaluative, personal. Get them to read aloud regularly – prompting when needed. Continue to read to them & be a role model. Any reading is reading! Libraries & book shops. Audio books. ‘Helping your child in English’ doc: 10 tips sheet, book recommendations, comprehension questions & bookmark, NZ Government website.
english Oracy – ‘Say it before you write it’. Importance of a wide vocabulary. Writing: Mechanics – posture & grip. Content – written expression. Editing. Writing for a purpose: emails / blogs. ‘Fun writing’: wordsearches, crosswords, word games etc. Apps to help spelling. Learn & use technical vocabulary – 20 page glossary on website!
maths Make it fun – games and competitions, rewards Make it relevant – cooking, time, timetables, shape and space Make it regular – little and often Focus on the basics – number bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, place value Use technical vocabulary
D 563 BPJ LC 57 DVR
The internet OWL Mathletics Calculation policy Website links Resources: Booklet and ‘Helping your child in English’ document, times tables grid